After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 642 Gu Ping is Dead

Chapter 642 Gu Ping is Dead
Later, I asked the nurse in charge, and only then did I know that the nurse was unwilling to take care of Gu Ping, so she left, and Song Yiran's nose and face were swollen because she had a fight with the nurse.

The reason for the fight was that Song still said that the nurse did not take good care of Gu Ping, and that the nurse deliberately dropped Gu Ping's oxygen mask.

And when they were arguing, they actually pushed Gu Ping off the hospital bed!
The two nurses insisted that Gu Ping was pushed down by Song Yiran, but Song Yiran did not admit it.

It's just that there is no monitoring in the ward, so there is no way to find out who made it.

Qin Zexi:
Su Zhaoxue:
Song Yiran is really trying his best to pretend to be crazy. He actually got into a fight with someone, and he was beaten with a black nose and a swollen face!
And Gu Ping can be pushed out of bed, it's really weird!
The nurse in charge finally made a tactful request: "I think you should take her away, otherwise we will not be able to carry out normal treatment. She has some brain problems. If you can, you should send her for treatment. "

When Gu Ping came out of the operating room again, it was already daylight. The chief surgeon said that Gu Ping had suffered a second trauma, and her condition was a little more serious than before, so the family members needed to take care of her more carefully.

In the ward!
Song Yiran carefully sat in front of Gu Ping's hospital bed, she didn't know if it was because of a guilty conscience, she kept her head down the whole time, and didn't say a word!

Qin Zexi felt sorry for Su Zhaoxue and suffered from staying up all night together, so he didn't want to say anything more at all. He stood at the door of the ward and reminded her coldly: "Song Yiran, we know you are not crazy, so if you don't want to be sent to a mental hospital If not, you'd better restrain yourself, it's a place where it's easy to enter but not easy to exit."

After Qin Zexi finished speaking, he pulled Su Zhaoxue out of the hospital!
He was too lazy to care if Gu Ping was taken care of by someone. If Song Yiran was smart, he would naturally be able to take care of her.

Mr. Gu never knew that such a thing happened in the middle. Gu Ping was in a coma all the time, and he didn't know whether Qin Zexi's words had an effect or what happened. Song Yiran really stopped for a few days. But never called again.

It seemed like a week had passed peacefully, but the Gu family received a call from the hospital again!

Of course not good news!

Mr. Gu rushed to the hospital without even notifying Su Zhaoxue!

When Su Zhaoxue was having dinner, she didn't see Mr. Gu. Only from the servant's mouth did she know that the hospital had called in the afternoon, saying that Gu Ping was critically ill and it was too late!
Su Zhaoxue was stunned at the time. Qin Zexi didn't come back because of a dinner. She pondered for a while, and didn't rush to the hospital, but waited at home for almost two hours. Qin Zexi came back from the entertainment, but Mr. Gu Haven't come back yet.

Su Zhaoxue realized the seriousness of the matter, so she briefly explained the matter to Qin Zexi, and the two rushed towards the hospital again.

It was only when they rushed to the hospital that they realized that Song Yiran and Mr. Gu had already left, and Gu Ping's body had also been dragged to the funeral parlor!

Is Gu Ping really dead?

Both Su Zhaoxue and Qin Zexi were taken aback. Although they were critically ill several times, the doctor didn't say that her life was in danger!

(End of this chapter)

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