After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 646 Song still fell down

Chapter 646 Song still fell down
On the third day after Qin Zexi agreed, Mr. Gu really took Song Yiran back to Gu's house!
Song still pretended to be stupid, and followed Mr. Gu all the time.

Su Zhaoxue didn't want Niuniu to still be in touch with Song, so she usually held Niuniu upstairs, except that she would take Niuniu for a walk in the garden at the door every morning to breathe the fresh air in the morning.

After about a week without incident like this, this morning, Su Zhaoxue walked around the garden with Niuniu in her arms as usual.

The nanny didn't go downstairs because she had to wash clothes and sterilize baby bottles and toys for Niuniu alone!

In early summer, except for the cooler weather in the morning, the rest of the time is a bit hot.

The yard is very green, and many plants are blooming, which is very pleasing to the eye!

Su Zhaoxue hugged Niu Niu, walked, looked at the flowers and plants and talked to her, sometimes Niu Niu saw the flowers and plants she liked, and stretched out her hands to grab them, Su Zhaoxue was afraid that her tender skin would hurt her, so she didn’t Let her touch it.

But fortunately, Niuniu is very good at this point. Sometimes she will not touch things that she is not allowed to touch, and she will not make noise, except for the little cub, who insists on holding others when she sees them.

Su Zhaoxue felt that it was very strange, and thought that Niuniu wanted to have a partner, so once she carried Niuniu out to play with other boys and children. There were boys and girls, and they were all beautiful and fair, but But Niu Niu simply ignored her.

Su Zhaoxue was done thinking, maybe their girl really only has a soft spot for the little brats, right?

Later, Su Zhaoxue told Hu Xianya about this, and Hu Xianya laughed happily: "It seems that Niu Niu of your family is destined to be my daughter-in-law."

Su Zhaoxue:
At that time, I really felt sad that the flowers I raised would be taken away by others in a pot!

Su Zhaoxue was distracted, and suddenly it seemed that someone hit her, Su Zhaoxue regained her senses, and suddenly saw Song Yiran.

She stood less than one step away from Su Zhaoxue, Su Zhaoxue was startled and subconsciously took a step back, and quickly hugged Niuniu tightly into her arms!
Song Yiran looked at her nervous appearance, and even sneered: "Su Zhaoxue, are you afraid of me?"

Hearing Song Yiran's tone of voice, Su Zhaoxue was stunned for a moment, very surprised that Song Yiran didn't pretend to be stupid!


Su Zhaoxue didn't bother to argue with her whether she was really stupid or not.

Song Yiran actually stretched out his hand: "It's okay, I just came to the garden for a walk, but I think Niu Niu is very cute, otherwise, I'll give you a hug."

"It's a beautiful idea, you." Su Zhaoxue hugged Niuniu, as if frightened, she took another step back.

Little did she know that behind her was a row of small stone roadbeds, she slipped her foot and fell to the side.

The corner of Song Yiran's mouth twitched, looking at Mr. Gu who was being pushed out by the nurse on the other side, he immediately stretched out his hand to give Su Zhaoxue a hand.

The other hand was still stretched out to take Niuniu over.

How could Su Zhaoxue give Niuniu to her, hugged Niuniu tightly in her arms, pushed Song Yiran, and then stabilized her feet, so she didn't fall to the ground!

However, Song Yiran was very unfortunate, being pushed by Su Zhaoxue, he would have sat on the ground in shock!

(End of this chapter)

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