After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 647 Not So Generous

Chapter 647 Not So Generous
Not only did she sit on the ground, but she also burst into tears!

Su Zhaoxue:
She swore that she really just pushed Song Yiran on a conditioned reflex, how could she push him to the ground, and even burst into tears!
It wasn't until the sound of the wheelchair turning around and talking to Mr. Gu sounded behind her that Su Zhaoxue finally understood!

It turns out that some people are trying to find fault!
"Yiran, what's the matter? Did you hurt from the fall?"

Mr. Gu's heartbroken look, if it wasn't for his inconvenient legs, he would have gone to help Song Yiran get up a long time ago.

Song still sat on the ground, choking with grievances while pointing at Su Zhaoxue: "She pushed me."

"Nonsense, how could Zhaoxue push you? Are you being naughty?"

Mr. Gu has a tiger face, he really looks like he was talking to a three-year-old child!

Su Zhaoxue really didn't understand what old man Gu was thinking. He knew that Song Yiran was pretending, so why did he pretend not to know?
What kind of psychology is this?
"No, I saw her fall, so I wanted to pull her and hug Niuniu by the way, but before I touched her, she pushed me, wow, it hurts."

Song still sat on the ground crying loudly, really like a mentally handicapped child.

Mr. Gu's face was a little bit bad, and he turned to look at Su Zhaoxue: "Zhaoxue, is that so?"

"Yes." Su Zhaoxue readily admitted it!

And I don't want to explain a single word. Explaining to someone who pretends to be confused is a waste of words!

Even if she said that she was afraid that Song would still hurt Niuniu, so what?
Can Mr. Gu feel sorry for Niuniu, or will he let Song Yiran leave immediately for Niuniu's safety?

"Zhaoxue, I know that you still have prejudices against her, but you are still like this. You shouldn't have pushed her. I saw it over there just now. She is kind enough to fear that you will fall."

Mr. Gu did not scold Su Zhaoxue severely, but he explained for Song Yiran earnestly.

Su Zhaoxue couldn't help but sneer in her heart: "I'm sorry grandpa, I'm not as magnanimous as you, so I don't need to worry about those things in the past. My prejudice against her will never be eliminated, no matter whether she is really stupid or not, In my heart, she is not a good person anyway. I would rather fall down than let her touch Niu Niu, it’s that simple. Niu Niu is going to take a bath, so I carried her up first.”

After Su Zhaoxue finished speaking, she hugged Niuniu and left the garden, and Song Yiran's loud cry came from behind her!

"Grandpa, she bullied me, why don't you help me?"

Su Zhaoxue didn't hear what Old Master Gu said, but she wasn't interested either!

In the evening, after dinner, Mr. Gu went back to his room to rest, and Su Zhaoxue went downstairs to make milk powder for Niuniu!

Since Song Yiran was brought back, Su Zhaoxue moved all of Niuniu's things to the second floor, but at this time the purified water upstairs was used up, so Su Zhaoxue had to come down to boil the water. Niuniu prepared the milk powder and went up.

Song Yiran flashed into the kitchen like a ghost.

As soon as Su Zhaoxue turned around, she saw her leaning against the glass door of the kitchen, looking at her faintly!
Su Zhaoxue was so frightened that she was about to come out, her footsteps subconsciously paused, but she quickly adjusted her mood again, as if she hadn't seen it, and planned to go out.

(End of this chapter)

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