After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 648 Song Yiran Finds Faults Again

Chapter 648 Song Yiran Finds Faults Again
Unexpectedly, when passing by Song Yiran's side, she didn't know if it was intentional or not, so she got up suddenly.

Su Zhaoxue was very careful and wanted to stay away from Song Yiran, but she didn't want to, but she couldn't guard against her. Song Yiran stretched out her feet and tripped Su Zhaoxue blatantly. Without using her hands to support herself, she staggered forward and was about to fall. At this moment, Song Yiran suddenly pulled her arm, and Song Yiran slapped the bottle in her hand hard. fell to the ground.

With a "snap", the baby bottle fell on the ground with a loud sound, and then the baby bottle was broken, and the freshly prepared milk powder was scattered all over the floor.

Su Zhaoxue was startled, and subconsciously wanted to get rid of Song Yiran, and then look at the feeding bottle on the ground!
Unexpectedly, Song Yiran screamed suddenly, but fell forward, just on top of the puddle of milk powder.

Moreover, Su Zhaoxue also held a glass jug in his hand, which was full of boiling water, and fell to the ground together, and the glass shards were scattered everywhere.

Su Zhaoxue's movements stopped immediately, and she looked at Song Yiran with an inexplicable expression: "What are you doing? I didn't push you."

Song was still lying on the ground, with the corners of his mouth raised, he suddenly gave a chuckle, but soon burst into tears: "Ah, woo, why are you pushing me, why are you pushing me?"

And while weeping, he stabbed his hand on the large shard of glass.

This person is so ruthless that he even tortures himself!
Su Zhaoxue heard Song Yiran's gasp, and then a large stream of blood gushed out of her palm like a faucet.

Su Zhaoxue looked at her and squinted her eyes. Looking at her like this, she didn't feel as panicked as before, and suddenly calmed down: "Song Yiran, what trick do you want to play?"

Song Yiran is really looking for faults all the time!

Song Yiran's yelling on purpose naturally alarmed Mr. Gu who hadn't had time to fall asleep.

Not long after, I heard the sound of the door opening, and then the voice of Mr. Gu:: Still what's wrong, what's going on? "

"Grandpa, I'm here, ahhh." Song Yiran heard the voice of old man Gu, crying louder.

"What's the situation, why are you still sitting on the ground, what's on the ground, why are you bleeding?"

Hearing Song Yiran's voice, Mr. Gu arrived at the door of the kitchen very quickly.

Seeing Song Yiran's embarrassed appearance, his face was full of surprise.

"Grandpa, it hurts."

Seeing Mr. Gu approaching, Song Yiran seemed to have found a backer, and immediately began to act like a baby, stretching out his bleeding hand in front of the old man.

"Go and get the medicine kit, stop the bleeding first, and call the doctor by the way, let him come and show Yiran."

Mr. Gu looked at the big hole in Song Yiran's palm, which was still bloodstained like running water, his pupils couldn't help but doubled, and his face was full of pity.

Mr. Gu asked Song Yiran: "Why did you row so hard?"

"She pushed me." Song Yiran immediately pointed to Su Zhaoxue who was standing aside, pouted extremely aggrieved: "She blamed me for knocking over her kettle, but I didn't do it on purpose, I was just hungry and wanted to find something to eat of."

(End of this chapter)

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