After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 656 Lorna asks Han Jianfeng to have dinner

Chapter 656 Lorna asks Han Jianfeng to have dinner
But when Han Jianfeng spoke to her in such an impatient and reproachful tone, Luo Na couldn't stand it anymore.

Anyone can talk to her in this tone, except Han Jianfeng!

Luo Na felt wronged in an instant: "Jianfeng, I'm your mother, is that how you talk to me?"

"I think Zai Zai, what can I do? Zai Zai is my grandson. I took him to shit and piss for four months. I am also a person with feelings. Hu Xianya , What is the mother of Zai Zai, when she gave birth to Zai Zai but didn’t want him, she threw him directly to you, and then disappeared, why didn’t she remember that she was Zai Zai’s mother? Now it’s hard to raise four It's been a month, you can laugh, you can be funny, but she came back and took Zai Zai away. What are we and the Han family? Zai Zai is also your son, and he also has the flesh and blood of the Han family. Why did I But she wants to take away her own grandson, why don't you show me the right?"

Lorna was very excited. When she said these words, her whole body was shaking, and her eyes were red!

Han Jianfeng also realized that his behavior and tone hurt Lorna very much. He moved his mouth and wanted to say something nice, but in the end he said: "Mom, Xianya didn't want her cubs. It's special, and I'm sorry for her first, if you're really doing it for my own good, please give me a little bit of grievance first, okay, Zai Zai will definitely come back to our house in the future."

Upon hearing that Zai Zai would come back, Rona's eyes lit up: "Really? When do you plan to bring him back?"

"It should take a while." Han Jianfeng didn't know how to answer, the relationship between him and Hu Xianya was already extremely cold, even if he humbly licked his face and begged for reconciliation, but he didn't give it to her at all. He didn't even give him a chance to talk to ordinary friends.

If you come out to play around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later, anyway, he understands now!

How indifferent he was to Hu Xianya at the beginning, and how deeply she was wronged at that time, now he also understands.

"It will take a while? How long is that?" Listening to Zai Zai being unable to be brought back soon, Luo Na's face was full of disappointment again.

"Oh, mom, can you stop asking me this question? I don't know. If I want to bring Zai Zai back, I have to coax Zai Zai's mother well, so you don't want to mess around in the future, so I Maybe we can bring Zai Zai back quickly."

Han Jianfeng was also very irritable in his heart, but he was afraid that he would make Lorna sad if he spoke too harshly, so he suppressed his emotions.

Luo Na said with some disapproval: "Why did I mess up the mandarin ducks? Isn't Ruting pregnant with your child? Don't you want to admit it?"

Han Jianfeng couldn't finish the meal, put down his chopsticks, and looked at Lorna seriously: "Mom, let me say it again, the child in Ou Ruting's belly is not mine. I was drunk that day, but I am very clear in my heart that I did nothing. Ou Ruting took off the clothes by herself, and she was lying beside me by herself. If you insist on thinking that the child in her belly is mine, then we have to wait for her The belly is big, and then go for amniocentesis. I have other things to do, so I won’t accompany you, you can eat slowly by yourself.”

After Han Jianfeng finished speaking, he stood up!

(End of this chapter)

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