After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 657 Lorna asks Han Jianfeng to have dinner

Chapter 657 Lorna asks Han Jianfeng to have dinner
Unexpectedly, as soon as he stood up, a waiter opened the door and came in with a bottle of wine in his hand.

Seeing Han Jianfeng, he said politely: "Hello, sir, this is the wine that our hotel gave you."

When Rona saw the wine, she suddenly seemed to react!
Before asking Han Jianfeng to have dinner, Ou Ruting told her that the restaurant would send a bottle of wine, so Han Jianfeng must have a drink.

"Jian Feng."

Seeing that Han Jianfeng was about to leave without looking sideways, Lorna suddenly became anxious, got up and hurriedly called to him.

Han Jianfeng stopped and looked back at her with some doubts: "What's wrong?"

Lorna quickly felt aggrieved: "You haven't eaten yet, what are you so anxious about? Besides, aren't you off work? Mom hasn't had dinner with you for a long time. Your dad is usually busy, and even you are getting bored now." Mommy yet?"

Han Jianfeng frowned and looked at Lorna, then glanced at the wine that the waiter had put on the table, pondered for a while before saying: "It's okay to eat, but we can't talk about the topic just now."

"Yes, yes." Lorna nodded quickly.

It was only then that Han Jianfeng came back, but he suddenly stopped the waiter who was about to leave: "Hey, hello, we don't want this wine, you can take it away."

The waiter seemed to be stunned for a moment, a little at a loss: "But this wine. This wine."

All of a sudden, I didn't know what to say!
This wine was bought by a girl outside in the restaurant, and she said that she invited the people in the box to drink it. The girl also explained that when she came in, she said that the wine was given for an event, and she couldn't say that she bought it.

But now the people in the box don't want it, which is a bit difficult.

"What's wrong with the wine?" Han Jianfeng stared at the waiter suspiciously.

"Okay, little girl, you go out first." Luo Na naturally understood what was going on with the wine, and hurriedly smoothed things over.

"The wine they gave you, you can always put it here if you don't drink it, why make things difficult for the little girl, besides, I just want to drink, so you can accompany my mother."

Han Jianfeng turned his head to look at Lorna, his eyes were as dark as a pool of ink: "Mom, when did you like drinking?"

The last time he was drunk, he remembered that it was because Lorna wanted to drink.

"It's just recently, isn't this bothering you?" Lorna smiled guiltyly, and she had already stood up and reached for the wine.

The wine had already been opened in advance, and Luo Na picked up two glasses and poured a glass for herself and Han Jianfeng.

"Come on, Jianfeng, let's not talk about those unhappy topics, you can have a good meal with your mother."

Han Jianfeng looked at Lorna, but in the end he didn't say anything, and then walked to his seat and sat down.

This time Han Jianfeng chose a location a little far away from Lorna!

"Why are you sitting so far away?" Rona seemed a little dissatisfied.

"Then do you still want me to drink with you?" Han Jianfeng said indifferently, even suddenly.

Lorna didn't expect Han Jianfeng to agree so readily, she hurriedly put the full wine glass on the table, and then turned it over to Han Jianfeng.

After a meal, a bottle of wine is almost finished!

Han Jianfeng belonged to the kind who didn't look good after drinking, even if he was drunk, as long as he didn't move, he wouldn't be able to tell.

Lorna actually didn't drink much, but she didn't have a good capacity for alcohol, so she felt a little dizzy after drinking a glass.

(End of this chapter)

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