After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 658 It Was Ou Ruting

Chapter 658 It Was Ou Ruting
Halfway through, Lorna went to the bathroom, took nothing but a phone.

Han Jianfeng looked at her cautiously as if he was afraid that he would find out, raised the corners of his mouth, and couldn't help chuckling!
Before, he was still wondering why Lorna, who never drank, dragged him to drink so much last time!
But this time, she suddenly invited him to dinner, and then found an excuse to drink.

The wine probably wasn't a gift, and Lorna didn't really want to drink.

After finishing the wine and eating, Han Jianfeng leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes for a rest.

Vaguely, he felt that Lorna, who was sitting across from her, stood up cautiously, and then the door of the box was opened, as if someone walked in lightly.

"Is he really drunk?"

There was a very small voice that seemed to be asking Lorna, because the voice was too small, so it couldn't be heard too clearly.

"Well, he's drunk, you can see that he's asleep, Jian Feng, you know that, when he's drunk, he looks no different from a normal person." This was Lorna's voice.

"Okay, help me, I'll feed this to him."

"What are you going to feed him?" Lorna seemed a little surprised.

"You just listen to me, otherwise, how can I make him compromise, and marry me with peace of mind."

As soon as Han Jianfeng heard this sentence, he knew in his heart that it was Ou Ruting who came, and when she talked to Lorna, her tone was very stiff and impatient.

Why can Luo Na tolerate Ou Ruting talking to her like this?

Feeling someone approaching, a pair of hands rested on his shoulders, finally Han Jianfeng couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly opened his eyes.

The person approaching him was Ou Ruting, and she was the one who put her hand on his shoulder. Ou Ruting was holding a bag of things in her hand and was about to hand it to Luo Na.

And Luo Na happened to hold a glass of water in her hand, and stretched out one hand to pick up what was in Ou Ruting's hand.

The moment Han Jianfeng opened his eyes, everyone's movements seemed to freeze.

Han Jianfeng looked at the two of them coldly, then raised his mouth and let out a chuckle, reached out and slapped Ou Ruting's hand on his shoulder heavily, and turned to Lorna and said, "Mom, can you explain to me, What's the situation?"

"This... this, I..." Lorna seemed a little flustered, she didn't expect that Han Jianfeng would suddenly open his eyes, his mind was in a mess, and he couldn't even speak for a while.

Ou Ruting's panic only lasted for a second. After all, she reacted faster than Lorna, and quickly took over the words: "I happened to be eating here too. Auntie said you were drunk, let me take a look."

"Did I talk to you?" Han Jianfeng turned his head and looked at Ou Ruting coldly.

"Me." Ou Ruting was so stared at him that she felt dizzy for a while, her eyes flickered twice, but she still didn't say anything in the end.

"What is this?" Han Jianfeng didn't care about her, and suddenly stretched out his long arms with a cold face, and directly took the thing that Ou Ruting had not had time to take back.


Ou Ruting seemed to want to take it back, but she was a step slower, and the thing was already firmly in Han Jian's hands.

Ou Ruting's face turned pale immediately, and she desperately winked at Luo Na.

Lorna stepped forward and smiled quickly: "It's nothing, aren't you drunk? You brought something to sober up."

(End of this chapter)

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