After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 659 It Was Ou Ruting

Chapter 659 It Was Ou Ruting
"Come on, give me, I'll flush the water for you, just drink it up."

When Luo Na was talking, she even thought about taking the bag back from Han Jianfeng's hand!

"Mom, do you think I look drunk?"

Naturally, Han Jianfeng would not let Lorna take the things away, but asked Lorna with a half-smile.

Lorna also glanced at him suspiciously, and then glanced at the empty wine bottle with some uncertainty, and then said in surprise: "You drank this wine, so I drank it One glass. When did you drink so well? Last time it seemed to be about the same amount, and you were already so drunk that you passed out."

"Do you still know that I was drunk and unconscious last time? What can an unconscious person do?" Han Jianfeng was not in a hurry, but smiled with a questioning tone.

Luo Na felt a little guilty: "How do I know? I helped you into the house and I left. If you don't believe me, you can ask Mama Zhang. She was the one who helped me at the time. Otherwise, you are such a big man, how could I do it alone? move you."

Han Jianfeng also knew that if he asked Lorna like this, he would definitely not be able to find anything. Anyway, he had a clear conscience, so it didn't matter.

Squeezing the things in his hand, Han Jianfeng looked at Ou Ruting: "You are a professional, tell me what this bag is."

"I don't know. Didn't Auntie say it was a hangover?" Ou Ruting knew she was going to play dumb at this moment.

Han Jianfeng raised his eyebrows, he was not in a hurry, and his tone was still calm: "Didn't you bring it?"

Ou Ruting quickly shook her head: "It's not me."

"Then why is it in your hand? Your action just now obviously wanted to hand it to my mother and let her flush it. You said it was brought by my mother, so she should take it out and flush it directly That's enough, why did it still fall into your hands?"

Han Jianfeng's face suddenly darkened, and even the eyes he looked at Ou Ruting suddenly became sharp.

Ou Ruting was completely frightened by his appearance. She was calm at first, but suddenly panicked, her eyes rolled a few times, and then she hurriedly said: "Auntie asked me to take a look for her. It doesn't matter if you drink something, that's why it came into my hands."

"Oh, you're a professional, so my mom wants you to check it out.

I don't know if the explanation has some effect, but Han Jianfeng's complexion has improved a lot.

Only then did Ou Ruting seem to breathe a sigh of relief, and nodded quickly: "That's right, I'm just helping Auntie take a look."

"Don't tell me, I'm really dizzy. It should be because of the stamina of the wine." Han Jianfeng suddenly supported his forehead, as if he was really dizzy.

He pointed at the thing in his hand as he spoke: "Is this for hangover? Can I drink it?"

Ou Ruting came here originally to make Han Jianfeng drink the package, and thought that Han Jianfeng suddenly woke up, this package must not be drinkable!

He was complaining in his heart that Lorna failed to get Han Jianfeng drunk, which ruined her good deed!
I don't think it's not that I'm not drunk, but that the alcohol is not up!
Ou Ruting was overjoyed, and without thinking too much, she hurriedly said: "I can drink, I can drink, do you feel uncomfortable, do you want me to pour water for you to drink now?"

"Are you sure, can you drink it? It's a hangover cure?" Han Jianfeng seemed a little disbelieving.

(End of this chapter)

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