After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 660 It Was Ou Ruting

Chapter 660 It Was Ou Ruting
"I've confirmed that it's a hangover, and I can drink it." Ou Ruting is now only thinking about getting Han Jianfeng to drink the package as soon as possible, so she can't care about anything else, so she nodded vigorously. It proves that the package is sober.

While speaking, he was about to take something from Han Jianfeng's hand.

In order not to leave anything to chance, Ou Ruting had even thought about it, and after flushing the food for Han Jianfeng to drink, she would throw away the outer packaging far away.

In this way, even if Han Jianfeng wants to find some excuses, there is no way.

As long as she can get pregnant this time, are you afraid that Han Jianfeng won't marry her?

But who knows, before Ou Ruting finished her wishful thinking, she heard a deep laughter.

Ou Ruting looked at him in surprise: "What's wrong with you? Why..."

Why does this laughter sound so creepy?

"Didn't you say just now that you don't know what this is? Why are you so sure that it's a hangover?"

Han Jianfeng took his hand off his forehead, leaned on the chair, and looked at Ou Ruting with his arms crossed!
Although there is a smile on the corner of his mouth, the eyes looking at her are very cold!
"Me." Ou Ruting didn't expect that she would be careless for a while, and she would actually listen to Han Jianfeng's words.

"This is brought by my aunt. I really don't know what it is, but didn't you feel dizzy just now? I was afraid that you couldn't bear it, so I hurriedly said that I confirmed it. I thought you were Auntie Son, she will never harm you, right, auntie."

In a panic, Ou Ruting had no choice but to pull out Lorna, who was already standing there anxiously, thinking of Lorna to say a few words for herself!
Lorna had no choice but to hurriedly said: "I brought it. Since you were drunk last time, I went to someone to buy some and put it in my bag. I was thinking of finding a chance to give it to you. I saw you just now. You were drunk, so I took it out to give you some water to hangover."

But when she said these words, Luo Na's expression was obviously abnormal, and Han Jianfeng could tell it at a glance.

Han Jianfeng didn't know why Lorna kept speaking for Ou Ruting, but looking at Lorna like this, Han Jianfeng was really angry, frowned, and suddenly stood up from the chair: "Is it the medicine to hangover? I can see."

After finishing speaking, he took a meaningful look at Lorna: "Mom, I am your son. Sometimes I still hope that you can keep your eyes open. Some people are not as sincere as they appear."

"Fortunately, I didn't take a sip of wine. If I really get drunk here today, will I not be able to wash myself off by jumping into the Yellow River in the future?"

"And let me say it again for the last time, I only like Hu Qianya, and my wife can only be her."

After Han Jianfeng finished speaking, he turned around and left!
And what he said just now was not as sincere as it appeared on the surface, it was obviously Ou Ruting!

Ou Ruting's face turned pale. Looking at Han Jianfeng's leaving back, she felt a little reconciled and rushed out: "Jianfeng, wait a minute, things are not what you think."

And Lorna was still standing there, things were not done well, for some reason, she was unexpectedly relieved!

Looking down, she accidentally saw a trash can beside the chair Han Jianfeng was sitting on just now, and the bucket was actually full of water. It was only then that Lorna seemed to understand that he already knew it.

(End of this chapter)

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