After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 667 gave Lorna the address

Chapter 667 gave Lorna the address
"I miss my grandson, I haven't seen him for a long time." Lorna immediately felt aggrieved, speaking as if she was about to cry.

"When did I say I won't let you see Zai Zai?" Hu Xianya's accusation against Luo Na was simply inexplicable.

"You moved, and we couldn't find you. Tell yourself, how many times have we met since you took Zai Zai away?" Rona was still confident.

Hu Xianya:
She really had no intention of preventing Lorna from seeing Zai Zai!

The move was just to avoid Han Jianfeng and Ou Ruting, she really didn't think about anything else!
Turning around and looking around, he didn't see Hu Yanqian, so he took out his phone and called him, only then did he know that after Hu Yanqian came out, he took Zai Zai directly to the car!

Putting down the phone, he glanced at Ou Ruting, and then he said to Lorna: "Hu Yanqian came here holding Zai Zai, but I have a request if I want to hug Zai Zai."

When Luo Na heard that she could see Zai Zai, her eyes seemed to light up: "What request?"

"Let her leave." Hu Xianya suddenly pointed at Ou Ruting!
"Why? What are you?" Ou Ruting didn't expect that Hu Qianya would suddenly make such a request, and was suddenly a little angry.

"Then I'll tell Hu Yanqian not to come over." Hu Xianya was calm, holding the phone, but she didn't really want to call.

Luo Na suddenly became anxious: "Hey, don't."

As he said that, he looked at Ou Ruting: "Ru Ting, look. There's nothing wrong with you here, so why don't you leave first?"

"Auntie, can you look like this?"

What Ou Ruting didn't expect was that Luo Na wanted to drive her away.

Luo Na forced a smile with some embarrassment: "Ru Ting, can you go back first? Auntie will explain to you when I go back later? Even if Auntie is begging you, you know that I really miss Zaizai."

Luo Na has already said such a thing, if Ou Ruting continues to stay here with a faceless face, it will be really meaningless!

With red eyes, Ou Ruting was really aggrieved this time, she squeezed her palm fiercely, and looked at Hu Xianya fiercely: "Don't be complacent, we'll see."

Not sure who wins and who loses!

After speaking, he turned around and left!
Hu Yanqian came over with Zai Zai in his arms. This time Ou Ruting was not present, but under Hu Xianya's signal, Luo Na actually hugged Zai Zai.

Lorna really misses Zai Zai, hugging Zai Zai excitedly, crying and laughing!
Hu Xianya told Lorna her current address, if she has time, she can go to see Zai Zai, but the only requirement is that the address cannot be told to Ou Ruting, and she cannot take Ou Ruting with her when she goes to see Zai Zai .

Reluctantly parting, when going back, Hu Qianya was unexpectedly in a good mood!
Hu Yanqian naturally understood it in his heart, so he teased half-jokingly: "You told Han Jianfeng's mother the address, aren't you afraid that Han Jianfeng will harass you?"

Hu Xianya paused for a moment: "It's fine if I don't let him in."

"Then what if he comes to see Zai Zai with his mother?"

"You man, why are you talking so much nonsense? What are you talking about? Believe it or not, I kicked you out of the car?" Hu Xianya was a little bit at a loss for an answer, and finally felt that Hu Jianqian seemed to be teasing her, but she was a little angry.

(End of this chapter)

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