Chapter 668 Don't Want to Go Back
But Hu Yanqian is also not afraid of death, and still has a playful smile: "Xiao Yaya, just admit it, you gave Han Jianfeng's mother's address, in fact, you gave Han Jianfeng's address, but it's too shameful, so I deliberately borrowed Han Jianfeng's address." Mom told Han Jianfeng. Hey, I said you, you still have feelings for him, why are you so tense, isn’t it good to reconcile? This way, Zai Zai can have a complete family .”

"This way you don't have to take care of Zai Zai, and then you can go out to drink and pick up girls." Unexpectedly, Hu Qianya sneered suddenly, and then took Hu Yanqian's words.

Hu Yanqian was excited all over, and immediately smiled flatteringly: "Xiao Yaya, she only has such a little hobby, and you say that you have deprived her of this, so what fun is there in her life?"

"Well, if you don't have fun, you can choose to go back. Anyway, I don't need your help now, I can handle it by myself." Hu Xianya responded casually.

"If you go back, Dad and Mom should find you a good girl in the Fox Clan, so that you don't have to work so hard to find a girl here, and you can live a good life in the Fox Clan."

The reason why Hu Yanqian came here was actually to help Hu Xianya.

It was when he begged Hu Xianya to take him out!

If Hu Xianya now says that Hu Yanqian is no longer needed, then he will naturally fulfill his mission and go back!

As soon as he heard that he was going back, Hu Yanqian's face changed, and he hurriedly smiled flatteringly: "Don't, Xiao Yaya, you can't treat me so cruelly, you see I take the baby with me like a nanny every day. Cub, there is hard work without credit."

The tone of Hu Yanqian's speech is really pretending to be pitiful!

Hu Xianya couldn't help but roll her eyes: "Okay, okay, stop pretending here, if you don't want to go back, you can keep your mouth tight."

Hu Yanqian immediately pretended to close his mouth tightly, and then pronounced with his throat: "Okay, I will take care of it, and I won't tell the truth."

Although it is pronounced with a throat, it still sounds very real.

"You." Hu Xianya naturally understood what he meant by not telling the truth, and raised her foot and wanted to kick Hu Jianqian.

It's just that Hu Yanqian cleverly dodged it.

On the other side, Lorna went back with Han Jianfeng!

Lorna is still a little reluctant to part with Zai Zai, she has been secretly wiping her tears since getting in the car!
Han Jianfeng was driving in front, looked at her several times in the rearview mirror, and finally sighed: "Mom, haven't you understood yet, if you want Zai Zai back, you must let Xian Ya come back."

"Mother Zai Zai?" Lorna looked at Han Jianfeng suspiciously: "But mother Zai Zai doesn't want to marry you?"

Han Jianfeng's black line, is there any mother who beat her son so honestly?

"There was a little misunderstanding between Xianya and me, which caused her to have a bad impression of me now." Han Jianfeng tried to speak calmly about the matter.

Luo Na suddenly remembered what Hu Yanqian said just now, and quickly responded: "What happened to you and Mother Zai Zai before? When you came back with Zai Zai in your arms, Mother Zai Zai didn't even mention it. We I was afraid that you would be sad, so I didn't dare to ask. But today, I heard from the man next to Mama Zaizai that something very serious happened between you and Mama Zaizai, and it seems to be related to Ruting?"

(End of this chapter)

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