After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 669 Don't Like Ou Ruting

Chapter 669 Don't Like Ou Ruting
The man next to Hu Xianya was referring to Hu Yanqian, of course, and when Hu Xianqian was mentioned, Han Jianfeng was filled with displeasure!
Dangling by Hu Xianya's side all day long, it's really an eyesore!
With a sullen face, her tone subconsciously cooled down: "Even if I explain the things before, you may not understand. I just hope you can understand Xianya a little bit more. She is Zai Zai's mother. Even if you take Zai Zai away, you will only treat her well, besides, hasn't she told you where she lives now, you can go and have a look when you have time. "

After he paused for a moment, he spoke again: "But don't go there too often, let alone go up and try to snatch Zai Zai back like last time, maybe she will change places and it won't be possible for you to found it."

Lorna quickly responded: "Yes, I know, I will pay attention, but I don't know when Zai Zai will come back. Although I know the address now, I am not at home after all."

Han Jianfeng pondered for a while: "As long as you don't get teased by Ou Ruting anymore and have your own opinions, Zai Zai will come back soon."

Lorna's character is relatively soft, and she doesn't have any assertiveness. A few words from others can make her panic!
In fact, Han Jianfeng wasn't surprised that she was instigated by Ou Ruting!
"It's just that Ru Ting said that she can bring Zai Zai back to me."

Luo Na hesitated for a moment, but said Ou Ruting's promise to her.

Hearing Luo Na's words, Han Jianfeng couldn't help but sneered: "Can she bring Zai Zai back? How can she bring it? Did she grab it?"

Luo Na hurriedly said: "Ru Ting said, Zai Zai is your son after all, as long as she marries you, she can bring back Zai Zai as your wife."

"So the last time you got drunk, you planned it with her?"

Han Jianfeng said suddenly.

Lorna paused for a moment, then became a little embarrassed, she smiled, and this was the slow, seemingly flattering explanation: "Jianfeng, I'm not in a hurry, besides you and Ru Ting's childhood sweetheart, it's okay for her to marry you , and bringing Zai Zai back is the best of both worlds."

In front of Lorna, Han Jianfeng really had the illusion that Lorna was actually the child.

I really don't know what's on my mind for such a big person!
"Mom, who said that Ou Ruting and I are childhood sweethearts? If I have feelings for her, can I know Hu Qianya and have a baby? Why do you think I will marry Ou Ruting?"

Han Jianfeng was really angry and helpless. The helpless thing was his mother, and the angry one was his mother, who didn't know him at all!

Luo Na seemed a little surprised, but at the same time a little overwhelmed: "But you never said before that you don't like Ru Ting, so what should we do, things have become like this?"

Han Jianfeng frowned: "Just don't talk to her from now on, it's best to let her go back to her own home."

"But didn't Ruting say she was pregnant with your child? What about the child in her belly? And the old Ou and the others next door also know that they are forcing your father to marry Ruting recently. What do you think? manage?"

Like a child who did something wrong, Lorna looked at Han Jianfeng with pitiful and flustered eyes, and asked Han Jianfeng cautiously.

"I don't know if Ou Ruting is pregnant, but the child in her belly must not be mine."

Unexpectedly, Han Jianfeng said with certainty.

(End of this chapter)

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