After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 670 Ou Ruting Argus With Lorna

Chapter 670 Ou Ruting Argus With Lorna

Han Jianfeng sent Lorna to the door of the house and left!
Luo Na also knew why he didn't want to go in, and didn't force it, but she was a little bit reluctant to see how much Han Jianfeng left!
The grandson can't come back, and now even the son can't come back, how can I not feel lost in my heart!
Han Dong hadn't come back from the dinner party yet, but Ou Ruting was waiting for her at home.

As soon as she entered the house, Ou Ruting couldn't wait to come forward: "Auntie, I know you think so much about Zai Zai, but just now you also know that Hu Xianya is obviously targeting me, so you don't need to speak up for me." Forget it, you still want to drive me away like them, how can you get along with you if you let me marry Jianfeng in the future?"

Ou Ruting scolded pitifully, the words were obviously aggressive, but she said them as if she had been wronged so much.

"Then don't marry."

Lorna is really in a bad mood, and she hasn't recovered from the disappointment yet, so she will just feel tired and say a word.

Hearing Ou Ruting's scolding, he felt even more irritable, so he replied lightly.

Very indifferent, not at all like the tone she usually used when talking to Ou Ruting!
This caught Ou Ruting off guard and was stunned. She looked at Lorna for a while, until Lorna changed her shoes and was about to go in. Then she came to her senses and quickly followed: "Auntie, what are you doing?" What do you mean? Don’t marry? Did Hu Xianya tell you something? I’m already pregnant with Han Jianfeng’s child, so you told me not to marry? Who got drunk and gave him this opportunity? This The child also has your share, you tell me not to marry now, do you want me to tell the truth in front of Han Jianfeng?"

Ou Ruting was a little anxious, a little flustered, so when she spoke, she was a little "random" and threatened Lorna uncontrollably.

Luo Na was already in a bad mood, but when she heard Ou Ruting's words, the anger in her heart surged up directly, she suddenly stopped and looked at Ou Ruting.

"No, I've already made it clear to Jianfeng."

This time Ou Ruting was even more confused: "Did you say it? Han Jianfeng already knows?"

"Got it, I told you everything."

"Han Jianfeng is not angry?" Ou Ruting looked at Lorna with some doubts, but felt a little surprised.

Luo Na didn't continue talking, because she really didn't want to talk to Ou Ruting, and she was really tired.

Ou Ruting was almost pissed off: "Auntie, even if he knows the truth, so what, I'm pregnant with the flesh and blood of your Han family, don't you think Han Jianfeng wants to admit it, and your Han family doesn't want to admit it?" ?”

"Jianfeng said he didn't touch you." Lorna explained for Han Jianfeng.

"Did he say no? What happened to the child in his stomach? Auntie, you were also present at the time. He was so drunk. What can he know and what can he remember?" Ou Ruting was so angry that Trembling, she hadn't expected that Lorna would suddenly change her attitude.

And it can turn such a big turn!
Luo Na was stunned by Ou Ruting's words. She had indeed seen the situation at the time. Han Jianfeng was really drunk and was sent into the room by her, and Ou Ruting went in with her acquiescence. .

(End of this chapter)

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