After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 671 Go to the hospital for a checkup 1

Chapter 671 Go to the hospital for a checkup

At that time, if nothing happened, how could it be possible!
Besides, when she went in in the morning, Ou Ruting was indeed with Han Jianfeng, and the appearance of the two of them clearly indicated what had happened!
But the way Han Jianfeng categorically denied it, there is no possibility of cheating at all!
Besides, Lorna is Han Jianfeng's mother no matter what, she still knows Han Jianfeng to some extent, and Han Jianfeng is not the kind of person who would shirk responsibility.

But it is also a fact that Ou Ruting is pregnant with a child now!
"Auntie, you have known me for so long, don't you know what kind of person I am? I really like Jianfeng, otherwise I wouldn't have waited for him for so many years, even if he suddenly came back with a child in his arms, It never occurred to me to give up on him."

"You have watched me grow up, and you have treated me like a daughter since you were a child. Don't you think I am the best candidate for your daughter-in-law?"

"Although Zai Zai is also your grandson, if Hu Qianya really marries, you have seen the current situation. With her hostility towards you, she is likely to disturb the Han family's peace."

Ou Ruting looked at Lorna's appearance, knowing that Lorna was still a little vacillating about whether she was pregnant or not, so she quickly changed her attitude and went forward to hold Lorna, just like she was acting like a baby .

"Auntie, I know you miss Zai Zai, I can understand you, the reason I spoke to you like that just now is because that Hu Xianya was too deceitful, and I have a straight personality, so I couldn't hold back for a while, so I just It was also unintentional for me to talk to you like that, I just hope you can understand me."

Luo Na's heart softened, and Ou Ruting's two or three words made her heart suddenly soften.

Glancing sideways at Ou Ruting, she sighed helplessly, and said, "Ru Ting, I know you like Jianfeng. Speaking of what happened last time, I have the main responsibility. Anyway, I am an elder." , really should not have done such a thing.”

"You child, I also watched you grow up, and I really want to become a real family with you. It's just that Jianfeng has always said that you can't possibly conceive his child, and I don't know what I should believe. Who the hell, how about this? Let’s go to the hospital for an examination tomorrow. If it’s really pregnant, then Jianfeng can marry you with peace of mind. If not, then let Jianfeng choose on his own. , do you agree?"

When it came to going to the hospital for an examination, Ou Ruting was shocked!
"Check?" But on the surface, he still pretended to be very calm!

Rona nodded: "Well, this is fair to you and Jian Feng, isn't it?"

"But I don't have one for a month now, and I can't find anything when I go to check it. Why don't I wait a month?"

Ou Ruting was not pregnant at all, and she couldn't find anything at all when she went for a checkup.

Asking Lorna to ask Han Jianfeng today is to confirm the fact that she is pregnant, how could she know that Han Jianfeng would see through.

If you go to check now, wouldn't everything be in vain!

Lorna paused, then nodded: "You said you were waiting for a month, so you are waiting for a month, but um, Auntie has something to ask you, see if you can temporarily move out from us ?”

(End of this chapter)

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