After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 67 New Drama Conference

Chapter 67 New Drama Conference

"Huh? Character?" Su Zhaoxue was taken aback for a while.

Why does it feel like this little girl is hiding something from her.

"Let's go, Sister Xue, we're going to be late." However, Yu Guo took her arm and pulled her away without any intention of explaining.

Su Zhaoxue had no choice but to shut up and follow her out.

The press conference was held in the city center, in one of the largest soho shopping malls.

It was around twelve o'clock when Su Zhaoxue arrived. She found a place to put on her makeup, fixed her hair, and changed her clothes. Yu Guo dragged her to the backstage of the press conference.

In the backstage, Su Zhen and the female lead, Han Shuang, were talking to Director Li. The three of them were chatting and laughing, and they seemed to be having a very pleasant chat.

As soon as Su Zhaoxue entered, Director Li saw him, his eyes lit up suddenly, and the smile on his face deepened: "Zhaoxue, come here quickly."

Su Zhaoxue smiled, then stepped forward.

"You are very beautifully dressed today." Director Li's voice of praise came before he even approached.

"That's right, Zhaoxue has always been a beauty, and this dress is a limited edition for this season. It looks really good." Han Shuang also praised her, but she couldn't help herself.

Actresses in the entertainment industry are very concerned about comparison, and they don't want to see others better than themselves.

It's just that Han Shuang has been in the entertainment industry for many years, and his temper has long been calm, and he can still say what he says on the scene.

Naturally, Su Zhen also saw the clothes on Su Zhaoxue's body, and her jealous eyes almost popped out.

Where did Su Zhaoxue get the money to buy such expensive clothes?
Could it be that Qin Zexi bought it for her?
The heart of jealousy burned even more violently. Su Zhen pinched her palms and suddenly raised her mouth and smiled: "Zhaoxue, I remember that this dress cost tens of thousands. I'm not even willing to buy it, but you have courage, isn't it Han Shuang."

Han Shuang reacted quickly, and immediately understood what Su Zhen meant, and even pretended to be embarrassed: "President Su, you don't understand me yet. Although I have been in the entertainment industry for a few years, I have achieved a little, but I can’t bear to buy a dress that is worn once tens of thousands without blinking my eyes.”

After finishing speaking, she looked at Su Zhaoxue, as if she was very curious: "Zhaoxue, I guess you must not have bought these clothes yourself."

At this time, Yu Guo said angrily: "What are you talking about?"

Han Shuang is a person with many faces, so naturally he would not confront her directly, but pretended to be wronged: "Oh, Xiao Guoer, I just guessed at random. After all, what kind of work does your sister Xue take in Hongcheng, everyone They all know it well.”

Han Shuang's words were implicit, that is to say, Su Zhaoxue was called an outsider, and the clothes were actually obtained by currying favor with men.

Su Zhaoxue was really too lazy to be angry with her, and smiled: "Yes, this dress was given to me by a man. If you are not willing to buy it, Sister, why don't you go to your husband and ask him to buy it for you?" , no, it doesn't hurt so much."

Han Shuang has a husband, although it is a hidden marriage, but this is not considered a secret in the circle, it's just that everyone knows it but doesn't tell it.

But Su Zhaoxue is not a soft persimmon. Since Han Shuang is very flattering to Su Zhen and brings up the topic of men, of course she will not be polite.

(End of this chapter)

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