After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 68 New Drama Conference

Chapter 68 New Drama Conference

Han Shuang's face turned pale all of a sudden, a little annoyed and embarrassed, but he could only look at Su Zhaoxue with a dry smile.

The atmosphere suddenly became a bit subtle, and Director Li was busy talking beside him: "Okay, the press conference will start soon, let's get ready to enter the venue."

The first half of the press conference went smoothly. It was nothing more than the director talking about some generalizations and characteristics of the new drama on stage, and then the actors expressed their opinions about their roles.

Su Zhaoxue just watched the script a few times in the background, so she just said a few random words.

Just as he was about to return the microphone to the host after speaking, a dozen or so girls suddenly broke into the venue, and all of them were about fifteen or sixteen years old.

As soon as those people came in, they rushed to the front row quickly, and then started throwing things on the stage.

And while throwing it, he shouted: "Let you take the role of our sister Yuan, we will let none of you play it."



"Security, security, come and pull these people out."

The people on the stage fled in all directions, while the reporters off the stage took their cameras and kept taking pictures, and some even made videos.

In an instant, the stage and the audience became a mess!

"Sister Xue, what's going on? Are these little girls Yang Yuanyuan's fans?"

Su Zhaoxue was originally standing on the far side, when the group of people were throwing things, Yu Guo had already pulled her with sharp eyes and hid in a corner beside her.

Su Zhaoxue couldn't figure out the situation, she just frowned and looked at the messy scene outside, thinking that today's press conference must not continue, so she said: "I don't know either, let's go to the backstage first, find a chance Leave, someone here will take care of it."

He just turned around, and before he could leave, he heard a sharp roar from outside: "I see who dares to touch my fans."

When Su Zhaoxue turned her head, she saw Yang Yuanyuan, who was dressed casually, walking towards the center of the stage.

The girls in the audience, who had been stopped by the security guards, suddenly seemed to be encouraged, and pushed away the security guards all at once, and ran towards Yang Yuanyuan.

Yang Yuanyuan walked to the center of the stage without stopping, and then she smiled and looked at the reporters below the stage: "I came today to bring you a big news. About Qin Zexi, the person in charge of Galen, and Su, the person in charge of Red Orange I think you must be very interested in the entanglement between Zhen and Red Orange artist Su Zhaoxue."

As soon as Yang Yuanyuan's words fell, the audience was already sighing. Everyone looked at her with bright eyes, and they were already bold enough to respond to her in the audience.

"I want to, of course I want to, but you should let us have a look."

With the first, there is the second.

"I heard that Qin Zexi had a marriage contract with Su Zhen before, but it was only because her scheming sister got involved in it that the marriage contract fell through."

"That's right, Qin Zexi was taken back to the Gu family in the capital long ago. I heard that he came back this time for the purpose of his marriage contract with Su Zhen."
"Hmph, you all guessed wrong." Yang Yuanyuan showed displeasure on stage: "Do you know why I was frozen, and the female lead in this drama was replaced by the red and orange Han Shuang?"

"Because of what? Wow, don't go around the bush, just say it."

The reporters in the audience couldn't wait to get this first-hand news out, and some even started real-time reporting in order to seize the first place.

(End of this chapter)

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