After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 69 New Drama Conference

Chapter 69 New Drama Conference

Yang Yuanyuan scanned around the venue, glanced at Su Zhen, and then turned her head to look at Su Zhaoxue in the corner.

He straightened his waist, raised the corners of his mouth in a big arc, and then said with a little confidence: "There is a video, I believe everyone will understand everything after watching it."

As soon as Yang Yuanyuan finished speaking, Su Zhen's expression suddenly changed.

She glanced at the excited reporters in the audience, gritted their teeth fiercely, and quickly walked towards Yang Yuanyuan.

"Miss Yang, where did you get the video?" Su Zhen still had a faint smile on her face in order not to let people notice the abnormality.

Yang Yuanyuan glanced at her disdainfully: "I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, Zhang Xiaoxiao gave it to me."

Sure enough, it was similar to Su Zhen's guess, Zhang Hongzhi was too unreliable in his work, she should have asked him for the video at that time.

If the video taken at Huangwang Restaurant that day was not processed and released like this, not only Su Zhaoxue, but even her would suffer accordingly.

"What do you want to do?" Su Zhen took a deep breath, suppressing her temper that wanted to be angry.

"I don't want to do anything."

"If you want money or resources, I can give them to you."

Unexpectedly, Yang Yuanyuan suddenly chuckled: "Heh, Su Zhen, who do you think I am? Xiaobai who just entered the circle, do you have the ability to fight Qin Zexi for money or resources? If you have the ability, you will not You will be slapped by your father, won't you?"

Even the smirk disappeared instantly from Su Zhen's face!

Yang Yuanyuan didn't want to talk to her at all, but made a gesture to the audience, and then the big screen behind it suddenly changed the screen, and four people appeared on the screen like a TV show.

Su Zhaoxue looked at the picture on the big screen, her brows twitched suddenly, and she suddenly had a very bad premonition!
"Sister Xue, isn't that you?" Yu Guo was very surprised.

"Yes." Su Zhaoxue lowered her head, unwilling to look at it at all.

Who took the video of what happened at the Huangwang Restaurant that day?

Then Qin Zexi stepped on Yuan Dapeng's hand, will there be any other accidents?

Like being arrested for intentionally hurting someone?
Thinking of this, Su Zhaoxue suddenly became anxious. She glanced at the audience, only to realize that this video was played by Yang Yuanyuan's fans below with her mobile phone.

"Yu Guo." Pulling Yu Guo quietly, Su Zhaoxue stared at the little girl holding the phone, and whispered, "Go get a bottle of water."

"Ah?" Yu Guo didn't understand the situation yet.

"Go quickly."

"Oh, good."

Soon Yu Guo stooped to get a bottle of mineral water.

Su Zhaoxue took it, squeezed it tightly in her hand twice, then took a deep breath, and then walked off the stage directly.


With a scream, the picture on the big screen on the stage was suddenly stopped.

Su Zhaoxue snatched the phone expressionlessly, and said coldly, "Sneak shot? Shall we discuss it in another place?"

The little girl was only fifteen or sixteen years old, and suddenly she was so shocked by Su Zhaoxue that she couldn't speak, blushed, stared at her for a long time, and then said loudly: "Shooting, so what?" Like? Oh, aren’t you the Su Zhaoxue in the video, why did you seduce your sister’s fiancé, and now you’ve been reported, are you scared?”

(End of this chapter)

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