After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 70 New Drama Conference

Chapter 70 New Drama Conference

Just a joke!
Su Zhaoxue suddenly yelled and laughed: "If I was afraid, would I still be standing here? You haven't, have you? If you don't want your sister Yuan to be implicated because of you, I advise you to take your sisters with you. Get out of here obediently. What are the consequences of abetting minors? If you don’t understand, you can ask your sisters to search on your mobile phone.”

After all, it was because of her young age, Su Zhaoxue's words made the little girl completely confused, so she had no choice but to turn her head and look at Yang Yuanyuan for help.

Yang Yuanyuan stood on the stage without moving, just looked at Su Zhaoxue's eyes, as if she wanted to eat her.

Su Zhaoxue looked at her leisurely, her expression was indifferent, and there was even a hint of a smile in her eyes.

If eyes could hurt, she would have been scarred long ago.

The more this is the case, the more she has to keep calm.

It's not because of anything else, but she doesn't want Qin Zexi to be implicated again because of her.

The video just now was only broadcast until Yuan Dapeng was stepped on the ground by Qin Zexi, and the rest was not broadcast.

This can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune, she will definitely not let this video continue to be broadcast here.

Seeing Su Zhaoxue's unfazed look, Yang Yuanyuan's chest heaved unceasingly, and her eyes widened until they could no longer open them. Then she turned around and picked up the microphone that fell on the ground beside her.

She smiled at Su Zhaoxue sarcastically: "Su Zhaoxue, do you think I should call you Miss Su, or Second Miss of the Su family?"

Yang Yuanyuan turned the microphone to the loudest, and Su Zhaoxue's eardrums buzzed when she spoke.

Su Zhaoxue rubbed her ears, this feeling was really uncomfortable.

"Thank you. I have a name. It might be better if you call me by my name. But can I trouble you to turn off this microphone? We're not louder than anyone else now. If anyone's voice is louder, it's justified. Then shouldn’t I come over with a loudspeaker and shout?”

Su Zhaoxue's words caused a burst of laughter from the audience, and Yang Yuanyuan blushed even more in anger, and threw the microphone aside in resentment, and then said again: "Su Zhaoxue, you are really shameless, the scandal has been exposed , you can still be so calm and relaxed here, I don't know what Qin Zexi, the grand prince of the Gu family, likes you."

"Oh, you're going to ask him about this, probably because he thinks I'm prettier, more temperamental, taller, and whiter than you."

Yang Yuanyuan was so angry that the top of her head was about to smoke!

At this time, some young fans began to complain about Yang Yuanyuan: "Su Zhaoxue, our sister Yuan is many times prettier than you, and I don't know where the courage came from to dare to say such shameless words."

Su Zhaoxue said indifferently: "What kind of artist really brings what kind of fans, the tone of speech is the same, except for the word shameless, can we change it to something else?"

"You are shameless."

"Yes, the skin is thicker than the city wall."

The little fans kept talking.

"Hey, you shut up, I said you don't go to school well, what kind of trouble did you come here to make trouble." Yu Guo hurriedly protected Su Zhaoxue from the side.

"My fans are not allowed to say it, isn't it true? Isn't Su Zhaoxue just relying on Qin Zexi to like her, and even tricked her behind her back, and asked Qin Zexi to freeze me when she saw that I was upset. I think it's the most poisonous The heart of a woman refers to someone like Su Zhaoxue."

(End of this chapter)

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