After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 71 New Drama Conference

Chapter 71 New Drama Conference

Yang Yuanyuan's words fell silent, and discussions began under the stage.

The matter of Yang Yuanyuan being refrigerated was only spread in a small area in the circle, and not many people knew about it. Now that it was suddenly brought up by Yang Yuanyuan himself, everyone was naturally curious.

Su Zhaoxue also expected that Yang Yuanyuan must have come today because of this incident, but she was not surprised: "How do you know it must be me?"

"Who else can you have?"

Su Zhaoxue thought it was funny: "It's so hard not to be those people who are jealous of you?"

"Impossible." Yang Yuanyuan said firmly, "It's because of what happened in the elevator yesterday."

"Oh, what happened in the elevator?"

"because I."

Yang Yuanyuan suddenly stopped talking: "Are you talking to me?"

"No." Su Zhaoxue expressed helplessness: "It seems that you started the topic yourself."

Yang Yuanyuan gritted her teeth: "Su Zhaoxue, you are really despicable."

Su Zhaoxue couldn't bear her way of scolding at every turn: "Yang Yuanyuan, why am I so despicable? Did I tell a lie? Or did I frame you? Did I make Qin Zexi freeze you in a dark way? You can ask him directly about this. But in my personal opinion, I think it’s pretty good for you to be refrigerated.”


Yang Yuanyuan just wanted to refute, but was interrupted by Su Zhaoxue: "Since you mentioned the matter in the elevator, I think I, as the person involved, need to make it clear. Yesterday in the elevator, did you push me?" , I almost fell down, and I pushed it more than once. You just want to be alone with Qin Zexi. If you have something to ask him, you can just tell him. I can’t let you in. Why do you push behind your back? I?"

"So I think you have a problem with your character, and today you even instigated minors to stand up for you. Although they are your fans, artists are artists, and fans are fans. They can appreciate you and support you in your works , but this matter is your personal matter, but you want to attract your fans, and all of them are underage, what do you think you are? Or do you think they are underage anyway, and they will not Arrested and sent to jail?"

Su Zhaoxue's words fell silent, and discussions began below:
"So that's the case, I didn't expect Yang Yuanyuan to be this kind of person?"

"This Yang Yuanyuan looks pure and innocent, but she didn't expect to use the dirty trick of pushing people from behind."

"It's no wonder, who is Qin Zexi? Those who are married or not want to please him, wanting to get into his eyes, and leap to the position of the young mistress of the Gu family in the capital."

"I just want to go home, just take an elevator, and Yang Yuanyuan pushes someone, what's going on?"

"No wonder it was refrigerated directly, it really deserves it."

And Yang Yuanyuan's little fans standing aside were even more at a loss for what to do.

They are young, but they are not incomprehensible.

Originally, she was very angry when she heard Yang Yuanyuan crying about being frozen and being robbed of her role, so she listened to her and came to the venue to make a fuss.

Now after hearing what Su Zhaoxue said, I realized that what they did was going to jail.

It's obvious that Yang Yuanyuan took advantage of it!

"Su Zhaoxue, you are so bloody." Seeing that the situation was different from what he expected, Yang Yuanyuan was completely enraged.

(End of this chapter)

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