After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 676 Stay in the Hospital and Take Care of Mr. Gu

Chapter 676 Stay in the Hospital and Take Care of Mr. Gu

That's no wonder what they said was too extreme!

There were thorns in Su Zhaoxue's words, and Mr. Gu could hear it, but he didn't seem to care, and continued to smile instead: "Is Niuniu still obedient at home these two days?"

"En, very obedient." Su Zhaoxue nodded, knowing that the old man changed the subject on purpose.

"That's good, that's good. When I get better and leave the hospital, but I have to give her a good hug. I miss me so much."

Mr. Gu has been busy with Song Yiran's affairs recently, and has never even paid a visit to Niuniu. Of course, Su Zhaoxue is also eager, but now hearing Mr. Gu's words, he feels inexplicably ironic and insincere!
In the past, Su Zhaoxue thought that Mr. Gu liked Niuniu, at least that was true during the time when she returned home with Niuniu in her arms.

Mr. Gu teases Niuniu every day, and sometimes he even hugs her!

At that time, Su Zhaoxue thought that she and Qin Zexi had survived the darkest period of time, and the family could be together in harmony!

But now I feel that I think things are too simple!

Why did Song Yiran and Gu Ping do that? It seems that there is a reason behind it!
This is the origin of Mr. Gu!
Su Zhaoxue is not the kind of unreasonable person, sometimes as long as she doesn't hit her face with a slap, she can still maintain a peaceful appearance!

After all, Mr. Gu is Qin Zexi's grandfather and his only relative!

She doesn't want to make it difficult for him!
Originally, a nurse was hired, and then two servants were sent over to take care of Mr. Gu.

Three people, one is in charge of cleaning the old man, one is in charge of cleaning the ward, and the other is in charge of eating and drinking. This is already a very good treatment!
But when Mr. Gu saw Su Zhaoxue coming, he wanted Su Zhaoxue to stay with him for a day.

Why is there no one talking in the ward, Su Zhaoxue can still talk to him here!

Su Zhaoxue hesitated for a moment, but did not refuse!

Qin Zexi didn't have time to come, so she was doing her filial piety for him!

Just make a phone call to the nanny and ask her to take care of Niuniu!

And he also specifically explained to the nanny that if Song Yiran went back, he must call her, and she would have to go back at that time!

She has experienced Song Yiran's cunning and insidiousness before, and Su Zhaoxue is afraid that the nanny will not be able to guard against him!
In fact, Su Zhaoxue didn't have to do anything, and there was nothing to do!

Mr. Gu was in the ward. He had already received a drip in the morning and had nothing to do in the afternoon. The nurse came to measure his blood pressure at noon and dinner, and everything was normal.

And Mr. Gu said he was talking to Su Zhaoxue, but he didn't say anything all day, mainly because Su Zhaoxue really didn't know what to say, so he had a casual chat.

The dinner in the hospital was around five o'clock. After dinner, Mr. Gu said that he was tired and wanted to rest for a while, so Su Zhaoxue planned to go back!

Mr. Gu lives in a single VIP ward, and there is only a sofa next to it, which is used by the nurse to accompany him at night, and the two servants who take care of him are in the next room, just in case someone needs help. There is no Su Zhaoxue here at all. s position.

Unexpectedly, when Mr. Gu lay down to sleep, he suddenly said to Su Zhaoxue: "Zhaoxue, the nanny should be able to take good care of Niu Niu by herself, so you can stay here with me for a while, and let Zexi finish socializing." Come pick you up."

(End of this chapter)

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