After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 677 Entertainment

Chapter 677 Entertainment
Mr. Gu specifically mentioned Qin Zexi and asked him to come to the hospital. Su Zhaoxue thought that Mr. Gu wanted to use her to show Qin Zexi his favor.

To be honest, Su Zhaoxue didn't want the relationship between the two to become too tense, if Mr. Gu took the initiative to show his favor, at least it meant that he knew that he had done something wrong, at least he cared about Qin Zexi, and there was nothing wrong with it!

Thinking of these, Su Zhaoxue agreed!

When I called Qin Zexi, he was still in a meeting, and the phone was connected by Zhong.

Asked about Qin Zexi's itinerary, knowing that he had an important dinner party waiting for him, Su Zhaoxue didn't say too much, but just said to Zhong Lian: "Well, then you tell him, after the dinner party, come to the hospital to pick him up." Hit me."

"Is it the hospital where the old man was hospitalized?" Zhong Lian knew that old man Gu was sent to the hospital angrily by Qin Zexi.

"En, yes." Su Zhaoxue said as she planned to hang up the phone.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Lian suddenly stopped her: "Hey, Miss Zhaoxue..."

Su Zhaoxue froze for a moment: "What's wrong?"

Zhong Lian seemed to hesitate for a moment before saying: "Yu Guo is pregnant."

"Really?" Su Zhaoxue didn't expect such a surprise, and the volume of her joy rose a lot unconsciously!
"Well, I just checked it out today." Zhong Lian was also very happy.

"Then congratulations, has the matter of your marriage been speeded up in this way?"

"Well, we're already planning to get the marriage certificate tomorrow."

Su Zhaoxue was also happy: "That's right, Yu Guo, the little girl, didn't tell me about being so happy, and I'll see how I fix her tomorrow. Well, go get busy, get the certificate tomorrow, remember to tell me One sound."

"it is good."

Hearing Zhong Lian's response, Su Zhaoxue hung up the phone, so that Zhong Lian hesitated for a long time but didn't say anything, and didn't have time to say it!
At this moment, Qin Zexi just finished the meeting, saw Zhong Lian standing at the door of the meeting room, and asked a little strangely: "Well? Didn't you let me go on vacation? What are you still doing here?"

Zhong Lian hurriedly smiled: "Miss Zhaoxue called just now and told you to go to the hospital to pick her up after the social engagements are over."

"Hospital?" Qin Zexi's face changed instantly, before he could react: "What's wrong with her?"

"No, Miss Zhaoxue is fine. She has gone to see the old man, so I ask you to pick her up after dinner at night."

Qin Zexi frowned, feeling something was wrong, logically Su Zhaoxue would not make such a request!
Just as he was thinking about it, Zhong Lian spoke again from the side: "Boss, why don't I go with you for today's entertainment, that Song Yiran. I'm a little worried."

"Song Yiran?" Qin Zexi frowned, as if he had just found out.

Zhong Lian was a little embarrassed: "Today, all the assistants and secretaries have business. It's really unfortunate. You know, Boss. In the past, I accompanied you to the dinner parties, so other people generally don't think about it."

"How about I don't go back today, anyway, don't I have a day off tomorrow?"

Only then did Qin Zexi understand what happened, and he didn't feel panicked: "Well, you should go back. As for that Song Yiran, she is not my assistant, so don't go, let her go too."

"Then can you do it alone?" Zhong Lian still felt a little inappropriate.

(End of this chapter)

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