After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 678 Entertainment

Chapter 678 Entertainment
"It's okay, you should go back early to accompany Yu Guo."

Qin Zexi responded lightly, turned around and walked towards the office.

The social meeting time is at seven o'clock, but it is still some distance away from the destination, so Qin Zexi will leave the company before six twenty!

He still knows the general process of the project. In fact, going to dinner doesn't have to talk about work, it's just to finalize the project, and sometimes these things are indispensable.

It's just that Gu's is Party A, and although Gu's is also the host, the other party still has to act according to Gu's face, so Qin Zexi doesn't worry much about other things, and he can solve it by himself.

The driver had been waiting for a long time. When getting in the car, Qin Zexi thought something was wrong, so he called Su Zhaoxue back!
Su Zhaoxue stayed in the ward bored in every possible way. When she saw Qin Zexi's phone call suddenly, she was as happy as a child, and hurriedly picked it up, then walked outside quickly, still whispering. He said, "Hey, your meeting is over."

Qin Zexi leaned on the back of the chair, closed his eyes, his indifferent face was suddenly stained with a smile: "In the hospital? Grandpa fell asleep, talking so quietly?"

"Well, I've been asleep for a while, and grandpa didn't let me go, but insisted that you come pick me up. I think this grandpa wants to ease the relationship between you, so he agreed. Did you make things difficult for you?"

In fact, Qin Zexi had to make a detour to pick her up after socializing, and Su Zhaoxue still felt a little distressed, after all, he was really tired after a busy day.

"Well, it seems..." Qin Zexi deliberately pretended to be really embarrassed.

Su Zhaoxue thought that he couldn't say it, so she said subconsciously: "Then don't come, I can go back by calling a car later."

Because she thought Qin Zexi was coming, Su Zhaoxue asked the driver who brought her to go back first.

"What nonsense, I'm here to pick up my wife and go home, so there's nothing to worry about."

Hearing her anxious tone, Qin Zexi couldn't help laughing: "But if you really feel embarrassed for me, just kiss me a few more times when you see me."

"I'm serious with you." Su Zhaoxue bit her lip, feeling a burst of sweetness in her heart.

The corner of Qin Zexi's mouth unconsciously twitched: "What I'm talking about is serious, is there anything more serious than this?"

Su Zhaoxue felt her face burning hot for a while, and quickly changed the subject: "Oh, I won't tell you anymore, by the way, let me tell you, when you come over later, don't mess with grandpa again Ah, he's already in the hospital, and it's making him angry, but it's unreasonable."

When Mr. Gu was mentioned, Qin Zexi thought of Song Yiran, and his complexion suddenly sank, but his tone of speech was still soft: "Well, I know, I just wronged you."

Qin Zexi knew how much Su Zhaoxue hated Song Yiran!

Qin Zexi's words made Su Zhaoxue feel warm in her heart: "There is no right or wrong, as long as you can understand and understand, it will be fine."

"Where is Niuniu, is Niuniu okay at home?" Qin Zexi asked his daughter suddenly.

"Well, I have already told the nanny that she should prepare all the things to be prepared. If Song Yiran goes back, she should stay in the room and not come out."

(End of this chapter)

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