Chapter 679 I ran into two people

This is what Su Zhaoxue called the nanny after being left behind by Mr. Gu.

Originally, I thought that if Song Yiran went back, she would go back immediately.

But now I can't go back, so I can only ask the nanny to hold Niu Niu and not come out.

This can also avoid direct contact with Song Yiran!
As for Song Yiran, none of them were at home, even if she hurt Niuniu, it could be said that it was the nanny who did it.

The old man is so partial to Song Yiran, it's not because Su Zhaoxue is afraid of Song Yiran, but she doesn't want her daughter to be harmed innocently!
When Song Yiran received the call, she was already waiting at the entertainment place!
Looking at Qin Zexi's car outside, Song Yiran raised the corners of his mouth indifferently!

Qin Zexi asked her to go back, and suddenly called her to come over. She was not surprised at all, and even expected it!

Su Zhaoxue is not at home, Niu Niu is only accompanied by the nanny at home, in order to guard against her, it is the safest way to take her out!
Heh, Qin Zexi, Qin Zexi, didn't you expect that in the end, she would make a move!
It's not that easy to drive her out of the Gu family, the fun has just begun!

Qin Zexi didn't come to pick her up until midnight.

Mr. Gu woke up once in the middle, looked at the time, probably because he was afraid that Su Zhaoxue would suffer too long, so he asked his servant to call home and asked the driver to pick up Su Zhaoxue!
When Su Zhaoxue went back, she called Qin Zexi, and wanted to tell him that she didn't need to pick her up, just go back.

But the phone is not answered!
Qin Zexi rarely socialized so late, Su Zhaoxue was a little worried, but she still said goodbye to the old man calmly, and then went home by car!

In the middle of waiting for Qin Zexi, Su Zhaoxue called the nanny because she was worried, and learned that Song Yiran did not go home at night!
At that time, the nanny and Niu Niu were about to go to bed, Su Zhaoxue told her to close the door, but she didn't make any calls!

Back at Gu's house, Su Zhaoxue called Qin Zexi again because she was worried, but no one answered the phone!

At this time, the driver said: "Young Mistress, did you call the young master? The young master has been back for a while, and he came back with Miss Yiran, but I see that the young master seems to have drunk a lot."

Su Zhaoxue was stunned for a moment, and then she spoke after a while: "Have you been back long ago?"

Then why did you come back with Song Yiran? "

And drank a lot?

Drunk and don't know where to go?
The driver replied: "Well, it's been almost an hour since I came back, and I came back when I went to the hospital to pick you up."

Didn't you agree to go to the hospital to pick her up?
Su Zhaoxue was startled, and suddenly had a very, very bad premonition!
I opened the door and got out of the car. The lights in the living room were still on, but the lights in all the rooms on the second floor were pitch black!
Drunk, so fell asleep?
Su Zhaoxue walked into the house with strides. When she was going up the steps, she accidentally tripped. Only then did she realize that her legs were shaking!
Fortunately, she stabilized in time, so she didn't fall to the ground!

Su Zhaoxue didn't know why she was trembling, but when she straightened her waist and looked at the gate of the mansion, she felt an urge to turn around and leave.

Why leave?

(End of this chapter)

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