Chapter 680 I ran into two people

What is she afraid of?
Why is her heart beating so fast?

Qin Zexi just drank too much, so he forgot to pick her up!

It must be like this!
It was her fault that she asked him to pick her up even though she knew he was busy with entertainment!
It was her fault!

Su Zhaoxue's mind was completely confused, she had no idea what she was doing at this moment!
I don't know why I keep explaining for Qin Zexi in my heart!
"Young Mistress, are you okay, why don't you go in?"

The driver parked the car, and when he came over, he saw Su Zhaoxue still standing at the door!

"It's okay, I'm going in." Su Zhaoxue seemed to have realized it now, and quickly responded, and went up the steps!

She gritted her teeth desperately, pretending to be calm, carefully went up the steps, and then pushed open the door!

There is no one in the living room, only one lamp is left on!
The room where the driver rests is in the backyard, so he didn't follow Su Zhaoxue into the house!
Su Zhaoxue bent over to change her shoes, her hands were cold, after taking off her shoes for a long time, she changed into slippers on her feet!
After changing her shoes, Su Zhaoxue didn't know what she was thinking, so she went directly to the sofa in the living room and sat down, but after sitting for a while, she remembered that she should marry Niu Niu, so she hurriedly got up again Get up and go up to the second floor!
Niu Niu and the nanny's room were next to her and Qin Zexi's room, but when Su Zhaoxue walked over, she turned the doorknob and found that the door was locked.

Su Zhaoxue just remembered that when she called just now, she asked the nanny to lock the door on purpose!
Su Zhaoxue stood in front of the door in a daze, looking at the dark corridor after the sensor light went out again, Su Zhaoxue suddenly realized something, turned around and grabbed the handle of the door next to her!
Taking a deep breath, Su Zhaoxue turned the doorknob!

The room is not as dark as Su Zhaoxue imagined, but there is a not-so-bright wall lamp. Because of the thick curtains, it doesn't look very real from the outside, but the inside of the room is very strange. It was very quiet.

Su Zhaoxue walked into the room with heavy steps, but the big bed was neat and tidy, without any trace of mess!What she looked like when she went out, that's what the bed looked like, there wasn't even a trace of turning it over!

Su Zhaoxue was taken aback immediately, this was completely different from what she had imagined!
What about Qin Zexi's people?

Didn't you say he's back?

Where is Song Yiran, not with Qin Zexi?
But didn't the driver say that Qin Zexi was drunk?

Could it be in Song Yiran's room below?

No, she has to go and have a look!

Su Zhaoxue's heart beat faster and faster, she didn't know what she was questioning, and she didn't know what she was thinking, but when she was like this, how could she not think about anything!


At this moment, a soft female voice suddenly sounded in the quiet room!

Just as Su Zhaoxue was about to turn around, she suddenly stopped!

The female voice came from the bathroom of the room. Although the voice was very low, Su Zhaoxue recognized it instantly. The voice belonged to Song Yiran.

Su Zhaoxue felt as if the sky suddenly fell from her head!
My mind is overwhelming, they are really together, they are really together!
(End of this chapter)

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