After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 686 Cold War

Chapter 686 Cold War
Song still looked at Qin Zexi carefully and expectantly!
"I said, Ms. Song, you'd better take your own car. Mr. Qin still has a meeting in the morning, and we're a bit rushed."

The driver was about to close the car door, but Song Yiran suddenly ran over and pulled the door very forcefully, which made the driver a little unhappy.

Song still glanced at the driver calmly and coldly, but when facing Qin Zexi, his tone was soft: "Isn't this the way, since time is running out, let's go quickly."

As Song Yiran said, he quickly got into the car.

"Hey, Miss Song, you."

The driver tried to pull her but he didn't!

Qin Zexi turned his head to look at Song Yiran with disgust on his face, and before he could say the word "get off", Su Zhaoxue came out of the room behind the car from the corner of his eyes.

After a pause, he said in a cold voice: "Okay, let's drive away."

The driver was stunned for a moment, a little dazed. The boss looked reluctant just now. Could it be that he was just playing tricks?
But Qin Zexi's orders were given, and he didn't bother to guess wildly, so he closed the door carefully and drove out of the yard!
Su Zhaoxue ran out of the house, it was really very, very unfortunate that she just saw Song Yiran getting into Qin Zexi's car!
Su Zhaoxue was furious and wanted to go to Qin Zexi to argue, but the moment she saw this scene, her footsteps actually came to a standstill!
She was a little sluggish, wondering if she was too angry, which caused her hallucinations!

That's Song Yiran, doesn't Qin Zexi hate Song Yiran the most, before he was so angry that Song Yiran was not allowed to come back, even when Song Yiran went to the company, he argued with Mr. Gu angrily!
How long has it been? He hasn't been there for three days, and he has changed!

Could it be that everything before was just pretending!
In fact, he doesn't hate Song Yiran at all!

Or is it that Qin Zexi has learned not to refuse women who come to his door?
It was destined to be another tough day, and I don't know if it was because she didn't sleep all night, Su Zhaoxue was in a trance all day, even when she was playing with Niu Niu, she was always absent-minded.

"Young Mistress, if you are tired, go to rest and leave the care of Niuniu to me. I can take good care of her."

Even the nanny saw that something was wrong with Su Zhaoxue, but the nanny thought it was because she took care of Mr. Gu last night and didn't have a good rest!
Suddenly Su Zhaoxue came back to her senses, looked down and realized that the baby bottle in her hand had actually put the toy into Niu Niu's mouth!

Niuniu didn't know, but she started to chew on the toy!
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Su Zhaoxue quickly took the toy away.

But as soon as she took it away, Niuniu burst into tears, so Su Zhaoxue had no choice but to quickly put the bottle to Niuniu's mouth, which prevented Niuniu from crying.

Su Zhaoxue also realized that her condition was not suitable for taking Niuniu with her, so she apologetically gave Niuniu to the nanny: "I'd better go and have a rest."

Back in the room, Su Zhaoxue really wanted to have a good sleep, but there was something hidden in her heart, how could she fall asleep, she tossed and turned for a long time, that's why she felt drowsy and drowsy.

(End of this chapter)

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