After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 687 Xu Qinqi Calls Suddenly

Chapter 687 Xu Qinqi Calls Suddenly
It's just that I don't know how long I slept, and I felt like my phone was ringing all the time.

Su Zhaoxue opened her eyes, the room was pitch black, she turned her head to look around, only to realize that it was already dark before she knew it!
I quickly got up and sat up, I don't know if it was because I got up a little anxiously, so I felt dizzy for a while!
Shaking her head hard to wake herself up, Su Zhaoxue got off the bed barefoot, and then went to pick up the phone!

Take a look at the incoming call, Xu Qinqi!
Su Zhaoxue frowned involuntarily, and felt surprised again. The two of them hadn't been in touch for a long time, and she hadn't set foot in the entertainment industry for a long time, and there was no intersection between the two of them. What's the matter with the phone call?

Just when he was confused, he unconsciously pressed the answer button!

"Hello, little fairy."

The tone of Xu Qinqi's conversation with her remained the same, full of scorn, but the tone was extremely soft, well, it sounds nice but it's a bit weird!

Su Zhaoxue just woke up, her head was still dizzy, she took the phone and planned to go out to see Niuniu, but she answered absent-mindedly: "Well, what's the matter?"

Unexpectedly, Xu Qinqi still had an unscrupulous look: "Little fairy, you are really sad. I haven't contacted you for so long. I called you, and the first thing you said was that something was wrong? You didn't even miss me." ?"

"Do you want to listen to the truth or be polite?" Su Zhaoxue didn't want to be poor with him either.

"Forget it, I'd better listen to the polite words." Xu Qinqi seemed to be very hurt, and his tone was quite low.

"Okay, you already know what I'm going to say, so just get down to business."

Su Zhaoxue doesn't think that Xu Qinqi is a person who will call casually when he is bored. In fact, Xu Qinqi's personality is a bit similar to Song Yiran's, and he feels a bit like those businessmen who don't get up early without profit!
If Xu Qinqi was fine, he definitely wouldn't have called her.

"It's nothing, I just thought that I haven't seen you for a long time, little fairy, and I want to ask you out to play together."

"Huh? Are you all right?" Su Zhaoxue still couldn't believe it.

Out of nowhere, he called her and said she was fine?

"Well, do you have time now, come out and have a meal together?" Xu Qinqi's voice was serious.


Su Zhaoxue just wanted to refuse!
"Hey, I seem to have seen your husband." But Xu Qinqi's voice suddenly rang again on the phone.

"Why did he take Song Yiran with him? Hey, hasn't Song Yiran been kicked out of the Gu family?"

Qin Zexi went out to eat, and brought Song Yiran with him?
"How is it possible, you read it wrong." Su Zhaoxue was startled, but she still smiled and wanted to cover it up.

Unexpectedly, Xu Qinqi was very sure: "I'm not mistaken, it's your husband, and he is accompanied by Song Yiran. It seems that he is here to entertain, but why should Song Yiran be brought to the entertainment?"

"Where to eat, you tell me the address."

Su Zhaoxue's face had completely sunk, and the hand holding the phone was trembling all the time!

It's fine once, why would there be a second time?
What on earth did Qin Zexi want to do, and why did he do this to her?

Xu Qinqi raised the corner of his mouth and smiled calmly: "Well, let me send you a location, the place is easy to find, just call me when you come."

(End of this chapter)

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