After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 693 Really have a cold?

Chapter 693 Really have a cold?
"Don't you understand such a simple meaning?"

Song Yiran said in a calm manner from the side: "That is, if you don't want to stay in this house, you can leave directly. Don't worry, Zexi and Niuniu have me, and I will take good care of them."

Song Yiran was obviously deliberately trying to make things difficult for Su Zhaoxue!
And after saying such ugly words, Qin Zexi didn't react at all!

Su Zhaoxue no longer knew what she was feeling in her heart, whether it was anger, disappointment, or despair!

"Shut up, my husband and my child don't need you to be taken care of by an outsider."

Su Zhaoxue forced herself to calm down. Although she was speaking to Song Yiran, her reddened eyes kept staring at Qin Zexi fiercely.

She wanted to find even a little bit of love and pity for her from his indifferent face and cold eyes!

But no, not at all!

It seemed that something in Su Zhaoxue's heart fell from the sky and shattered to the ground.

She chuckled lightly as if mocking herself, then raised her head and wiped back the tears in her eyes: "This world really is changing so fast, I am caught off guard."

Although Su Zhaoxue didn't say it clearly, Qin Zexi is a smart person, he understands what she means!

It means to question Qin Zexi why he changed so fast.

Qin Zexi looked at Su Zhaoxue, and there seemed to be a strange look in his cold eyes, but it quickly disappeared into that indifference.

Su Zhaoxue didn't have the heart, nor the mood to discover the slightest difference in him. After saying these words, she shook off Qin Zexi's hand, and walked upstairs feebly.

First, I went to see Niu Niu, and the nanny looked very apologetic when she saw her: "Young Mistress, I planned to hide it from the Young Master, but Niu Niu has been crying all the time."

The voice of Su Zhaoxue talking to Qin Zexi downstairs was not low, not to mention that the Gu family was originally quiet, so it was impossible not to hear it.

"It's okay, what is Niuniu making noise about?" Su Zhaoxue didn't have the heart to worry about it anymore, and went up to touch Niuniu who was already asleep.

The nanny quickly responded: "It must be a bit of a cold. The doctor has come to see her just now. It's nothing serious. She should be fine after a night of sleep."

"I have a cold, why did I suddenly catch a cold? She seemed to be fine before I went out." Su Zhaoxue frowned, a little puzzled.

"I don't know, maybe... Maybe it was windy when I went out at night." The nanny seemed a little flustered for a moment.

Before she went out, she took a look at Niuniu. At that time, the nanny was holding Niuniu and playing with her. When Niuniu saw her, she smiled at her. Zhaoxue put the bag in the nanny's room, and then went downstairs with Niu Niu in her arms. At that time, some windows downstairs were not closed.

The nanny went down and saw it, and then closed the window.

It's just that it's almost summer. Although it's not hot at night, it's not cold anymore. Niuniu was still in good condition at that time.

It's just that Su Zhaoxue looked at the nanny like that, and thought it was the nanny who was afraid that she would blame her, so she hurriedly said: "Oh, it may be that I was holding her and didn't pay attention to the wind, so I blame me and blame me." .”

(End of this chapter)

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