Chapter 694 Why?

The nanny also reacted quickly, and quickly responded: "It's okay, it's okay, young lady, don't say that, I am also responsible, the doctor said that it will be fine after a night of sleep, don't worry."


After watching Niuniu for a while, Su Zhaoxue turned around and went back to her room!
Before Qin Zexi came up, Su Zhaoxue stayed in the room for a while, then went to take a shower!
After taking a shower, I lay on the bed, but my mind was full of chaos.

The scene I saw in the music restaurant always comes to my mind!
Is Qin Zexi really dating Song Yiran?
Su Zhaoxue didn't believe it, she didn't believe it at all!
But the facts are in front of her eyes, she saw it with her own eyes, and she can't deny it even if she wants to deny it!
And Qin Zexi's attitude towards her
Just like the cold way he treated her just now
Thinking of this Su Zhaoxue's heart hurts badly, throbbing so badly!

She thought about it for a long time but didn't come up with a reason. She didn't know where the problem between her and Qin Zexi was!
Tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, she originally thought that when Qin Zexi came into the room, she wanted to have a good chat with him.

But after waiting for a long time, Qin Zexi didn't even come into the house!

Su Zhaoxue just got up and left the room!
Su Zhaoxue knew that she wanted to find Qin Zexi, but she stopped when she just left the door. She was afraid of Qin Zexi's indifferent eyes when he looked at her.

He turned around and prepared to go back, but the moment he pushed the door open, he didn't know which muscle was wrong, and he closed the door and went downstairs.

Qin Zexi usually stays in the study when he doesn't go back to his room!
When Su Zhaoxue went down, the light in the living room was still on, and the study room was just around the corner!

The door of the study was half-closed, and when Su Zhaoxue passed by, she heard Song Yiran's voice: "Don't be too tired, there is still some soup in the kitchen, you can drink it and go to work."

Didn't hear Qin Zexi's voice!

Su Zhaoxue's hand that wanted to push the door open was instantly withdrawn, then she turned around and went up the stairs!
Su Zhaoxue didn't know what she was panicking about, she didn't know what she was afraid of, and she didn't know what she was still insisting on after things had developed into this way!
Qin Zexi didn't come up all night, Su Zhaoxue tossed and turned on the bed, not knowing what she was thinking or waiting for, she woke up and fell asleep in a daze, fell asleep and woke up again!

In the morning, Su Zhaoxue got up when she heard Niuniu's movement, and glanced at the time at six o'clock!
After washing up, Su Zhaoxue tidied up a bit. She was haggard from not sleeping all night, so she put on very light makeup to cover it up.

Go and pick up Niuniu, the nanny went to make milk, Su Zhaoxue thought of Qin Zexi in her heart, so she carried Niuniu downstairs!
As soon as he went down, he saw Qin Zexi and Song Yiran coming out of the study one after the other.

Su Zhaoxue watched this scene, her legs went limp at that moment, and she almost fell down from the last step.

Song is still wearing pajamas, while Qin Zexi is still wearing yesterday's clothes!
Qin Zexi looked at Su Zhaoxue, and seemed a little surprised, but the surprise quickly disappeared from his face, and then he went upstairs with a cold face, probably to wash and change clothes!

Su Zhaoxue seemed to be pinned down, looking at Qin Zexi's expressionless face, as if treating a stranger, she surpassed herself!
(End of this chapter)

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