After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 698 A chance encounter while shopping

Chapter 698 A chance encounter while shopping
The surface is cold, but the heart still likes it!
Qin Zexi actually still cares about her, doesn't he?
But he wasn't like this before, why did he suddenly become like this out of nowhere?

Not even an explanation!

Is he planning something, or does he really just dislike her?
Su Zhaoxue was a little disappointed, and her mood was indescribably panicked!

Hu Xianya could tell that she was in a bad mood, so she stopped bringing up this topic. Su Zhaoxue was a little absent-minded and didn't eat much!

After drinking morning tea, it was almost ten o'clock, and the shopping mall just opened, so Hu Xianya took Su Zhaoxue to go shopping!

It is just right to put two children in the stroller, and it is not too crowded at all.

Niu Niu probably held the little boy's hand all the time because of the little boy beside her, but she was much quieter and more obedient than usual!

In order to divert Su Zhaoxue's attention, Hu Xianya kept talking to Su Zhaoxue all the way, dragged her around various shops, and finally bought something for Niu Niu. If the driver hadn't been following him all the time, Su Zhaoxue really didn't know where to put those things!
When she came out of the last shop, Su Zhaoxue really couldn't go on shopping anymore, so she said to Hu Xianya: "Why don't you come here first, Niuniu should be hungry too."

It's been four hours since this little guy, Niu Niu, has not been crying for milk. It's really a miracle!
If Su Zhaoxue wasn't afraid that she would be hungry, I'm afraid she wouldn't be hungry today!
Hu Qianya nodded: "Well, I happen to be hungry too, let's go, go eat something, and make some porridge for him to eat. There should be clean hot water in the restaurant, and it should be available for Niu Niu Order milk powder. Just a while ago, that guy Hu Yanqian opened a health-preserving restaurant here, let's try it."

The cub has started to eat complementary food now, so things like porridge can be eaten!

Su Zhaoxue also wanted to find a place to rest, so she agreed.

The two walked all the way, but they didn't want to happen to be at a turning point, Hu Xianya suddenly grabbed Su Zhaoxue.

"What's wrong?" Su Zhaoxue was a little confused.

Hu Xianya put on a serious face, raised her chin and pointed forward: "It's true, the more I don't want to meet, the more I meet."

Su Zhaoxue looked in the direction she pointed, only to realize that the two standing not far in front were Song Yiran and Ou Ruting!

Su Zhaoxue:
Why is it so easy to meet the person I least want to see!

"Let's change direction." Su Zhaoxue pushed the car, planning to go back.

Hu Qianya didn't want to, but held her back: "Why do we have to go back, why should we be afraid of them, this is a shopping mall and their home territory, let's see what they are doing first, why do I feel like they are It's a quarrel between faces and hearts."

Su Zhaoxue was stunned for a moment, then turned her head to look over seriously, and then realized that although Song Yiran was smiling all the time, she and Ou Ruting were standing very distantly, and The smile in his eyes is also full of coldness.

"Come on, let's go over and see what they are talking about. Aren't these two people very good before?" Hu Qianya pulled Su Zhaoxue and walked towards the front suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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