After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 699 A chance encounter while shopping

Chapter 699 A chance encounter while shopping
In the past, Hu Xianya even put on her head the hat she bought with Su Zhaoxue just now!
To be honest, Su Zhaoxue was quite afraid of being recognized, but after waiting for them to pass by, she found that Song Yiran and Ou Ruting hadn't noticed them at all.

Song Yiran wanted to go shopping and buy some nice clothes because she had nothing to do at work. Ever since she pretended to be crazy and got sick, she hadn't dressed herself up well. She wanted to overwhelm Su Zhaoxue in terms of momentum. Certainly not less.

The old man was admitted to the hospital, and things were moving in the direction she expected. She didn't believe that she couldn't separate Qin Zexi and Su Zhaoxue. Even if Qin Zexi was still indifferent to her, so what, she didn't expect Qin Zexi to like it at all. To herself, her purpose is to break them apart, and then firmly control the Gu family in her own hands.

Hehe, let's see who dares to underestimate her then!
Ou Ruting, on the other hand, came to go shopping to relieve boredom because of her irritability.Two days after she moved out of Han's house, Han Jianfeng really moved back. Ou Ruting thought that at least Han Jianfeng moved back, and she would have more opportunities, but what she didn't expect was that getting close to Han Jianfeng seemed to be more difficult than before. , and Rona didn't seem to be as willing to help her as before.

Moreover, Lorna also said that she would take her for a pregnancy test. She didn't even go for the test for her baby. She tried to avoid it once or twice. If she is lying, it may be even more difficult for her to marry into the Han family!

Song still didn't expect to meet Ou Ruting!
And Ou Ruting didn't expect to meet Song Yiran!

After Song Yiran had an accident last time, Ou Ruting did not help her, and the friendship between the two of them, which was originally a superficial work, has come to an end!

It was Song Yiran who said hello first: "Hi, isn't this Ruting, are you shopping here too?"

Song Yiran was the same as before, pretending to greet Ou Ruting enthusiastically!

It's as if Ou Ruting didn't help her when she was in trouble before, that didn't happen.

Ou Ruting was still embarrassed when she saw Song, but she just kept this embarrassment in her heart and didn't show it on her face.

Smiled: "Well, what a coincidence, you also go shopping."

Song still looked Ou Ruting up and down calmly, and this was the only way to smile: "Well, isn't it a change of season? I didn't come to buy clothes when I was sick before. Now I'm well and I come to buy some clothes." Some."

"Oh, then you go shopping, I'll go first." Ou Ruting didn't really want to talk too much with Song Yiran, mainly because she had too many worries.

Who knows that Song Yiran doesn't really want to let her go: "Ru Ting, why are you in such a hurry, anyway, you're just shopping to pass the time, aren't you? I heard that you moved to the Han's house some time ago, and then you were kicked out again. , why? Did Han Jianfeng drive you away?"

Song Yiran deliberately said it as if he was surprised and innocent!
"Who did you hear that from?" Ou Ruting didn't expect that Song Yiran would know about this, but seeing her secretly gloating, her expression immediately darkened in displeasure.

Song Yiran still put on a show: "Everyone seems to be spreading this story, don't you know? Ru Ting is not talking about you, you are getting worse and worse."

(End of this chapter)

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