After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 705 You can leave, but Niuniu can't take you away

Chapter 705 You can leave, but Niuniu can't take you away

But at least the servant's words made Su Zhaoxue feel very cured!
It was as if the emotions that had collapsed had found something to support them in an instant!
Su Zhaoxue, who had no appetite, still ate some of those meals.

As soon as he finished eating and put down the bowls and chopsticks, Qin Zexi opened the door and walked in.

Of course, Qin Zexi spotted the luggage on the ground before she had time to arrange it.

Qin Zexi's footsteps suddenly stopped, his eyes were fixed on the suitcase on the ground, and his face became more and more serious.

Su Zhaoxue suddenly felt flustered, and hurriedly got up and walked over, wanting to explain that she was just a momentary impulse, and she didn't really want to leave.

But he didn't want to wait for her to speak, Qin Zexi had already looked over with a cold face: "You want to leave?"



Before he finished speaking, Qin Zexi interrupted him again: "You can leave if you want to, but Niuniu can't take you away."

The words Su Zhaoxue stuck in her throat and hadn't uttered yet were suddenly stuffed into her stomach!
What does he mean?
She can leave, but she can't leave with Niuniu?

It means that he doesn't care about her anymore, she can leave at any time, but she can't leave with his daughter, right?

Su Zhaoxue couldn't help but want to laugh, she was a little bit up because of the servant, but she suddenly went down again!
It's really funny!
She is really like a fool, how could she become heartless again just because of a few words from the servant?

Couldn't Qin Zexi's attitude towards her make her give up?
What is she looking forward to, and what is she waiting for?
"Qin Zexi, can you make your words clearer? It means that I can pack my things now and get the hell out of your Gu family, right?"

Su Zhaoxue squeezed her palm tightly, looking at that handsome face that she never seemed to get tired of looking at, she always thought it was so good-looking, even if he had never smiled at her recently, even if he had been smiling at her all the time recently. He didn't give her a good look, even recently she saw him very rarely, but Su Zhaoxue just thought he was good-looking, and she never got tired of seeing him.

Isn't this called committing a crime?
"No." Qin Zexi turned his head, his expression seemed a little loose: "I mean, if you want to leave, you can leave, but Niuniu can't take you away."

Qin Zexi knew that during this time, she had suffered a lot of grievances!

But things have become more and more complicated recently, and he doesn't want her to worry, so he can't tell her many things.

And he had to deliberately pretend to be indifferent to her, so that Song Yiran wouldn't play tricks on her because of him.

He could only tell the servants at home to take care of her and make her have to eat.

He could only tell Hu Xianya that when he had nothing to do, he would ask her out to relax.

I can only tell Zhong Lian to tell Su Zhaoxue his itinerary every day, and let her stop thinking about it!
But besides this, Qin Zexi really couldn't find any better way!
He loves her dearly, but he can't hug her!
He also hated himself for the way he was now, but he was helpless!

Things developed so unexpectedly, even he never expected.

In fact, it's very good that she can leave, at least she doesn't have to continue to be wronged here!
But at the same time, he also knew that Niuniu absolutely could not leave with her.

(End of this chapter)

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