After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 706 The quarrel

Chapter 706 The quarrel

He knew that if Niuniu left with her, they might not come back.

But if Niu Niu is still there, she will definitely come back!
He also didn't want to use their children as a bargaining chip, but this was his only bargaining chip now!
"Then if I say, I insist on taking Niuniu away?"

Su Zhaoxue was so angry that her whole body was trembling. She squeezed her palms tightly and tried hard to suppress the anger in her heart. This was the only way to calm herself down, so that she wouldn't be so angry that she couldn't think normally or speak.

Qin Zexi seemed to pause for a moment, and then said disapprovingly: "Do you think you can take Niuniu away?"

Su Zhaoxue's throat froze, as if suddenly froze, she stared blankly at Qin Zexi!
In her mind, there has always been the idea that she and Niuniu cannot be separated!
So even if she wanted to leave, what she was thinking about was that she would take Niuniu with her.

But she overlooked one thing, she is in the Gu family now, if she wants to leave by herself, it will be a breeze!

But if you want to take Niuniu away, if Qin Zexi disagrees, just like Mr. Gu disagrees, then it's just talk on paper and can't be implemented at all!

Now it is obvious that Qin Zexi disagrees, let alone Mr. Gu!

Su Zhaoxue suddenly regretted that she was alone at home for so many days before, if she had woken up earlier and left with Niuniu, there would be no way anyone would have stopped her.

Even if the servant at home found out, but the servant could not stop her, even if Qin Zexi and Mr. Gu were notified and waited for them to come back, by then she would have left with Niuniu.

"Qin Zexi, don't go too far, you know that Niuniu is my fate." Su Zhaoxue finally couldn't help it anymore, her eyes started to turn red.

Qin Zexi didn't dare to look at her. He was afraid that he would soften his heart, so he turned his head to look elsewhere, and then tried to keep his tone as calm as possible: "But Niuniu is also my daughter."

"At the beginning, I worked so hard to keep her, and then gave birth to her. You said she was your daughter. When I suffered with her, you were not by our side. Now you say that Niuniu is you Will my daughter find it ridiculous?"

"I'm afraid you have forgotten why Niuniu and I suffered, and who it was because of."

Su Zhaoxue didn't want to use the previous things to reason with Qin Zexi.

But when people are wronged, when they suffer from injustice, they always think about the past!

When she was pregnant with Niuniu, none of the crimes she suffered was brought to her by Qin Zexi.

Now he is forcing Niuniu to separate her because of the sentence that the flirtatious Niuniu is his daughter!

How could Su Zhaoxue not feel wronged or sad!
"So what, can you change the fact that Niuniu is not my daughter?"

"If you don't want to be separated from Niuniu, then stay here and don't go anywhere."

Qin Zexi was afraid that Su Zhaoxue would burst into tears suddenly, and he would be uncontrollably broken at that time. After saying these two sentences, he opened the door and left the room.

That look, in Su Zhaoxue's eyes, seemed impatient and didn't want to continue talking with her.

The unfeeling look is really heartbreaking and can't breathe!

(End of this chapter)

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