After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 707 Ask Song Yiran for Help

Chapter 707 Ask Song Yiran for Help
Su Zhaoxue's eye sockets became more and more red, more and more red, and the tears that were suffocated in the eye sockets could not be controlled, and directly slipped out of the eye sockets.

Qin Zexi never went in since he left the room!
Su Zhaoxue stayed up all night again, looking at the pile of packed clothes in the suitcase for most of the night, she kept seeing that her whole body was cold, and her heart was also cold.

In the middle of the night, when Niu Niu wanted to drink milk, she made a lot of noise!
Niuniu's crying startled Su Zhaoxue, and Su Zhaoxue seemed to realize it, quickly wiped the tears from her face, and ran over without thinking about anything.

"Young Mistress, why did you look like this? Did you cry secretly in the room?" The nanny was shocked when she saw Su Zhaoxue rushing over.

At this time, Su Zhaoxue's hair was messy, and her clothes were still the home clothes she wore at home during the day, so she was already in a mess at this moment.What's more serious is that her whole eyes are red, and there are obvious tear stains on her face!
"Well, no, I just had a dream and cried in the dream." Su Zhaoxue brushed her hair up as if to cover up, wanting to hug Niuniu.

Unexpectedly, the nanny did not give Niuniu to her, but said with some embarrassment: "Young Mistress, you will scare Niuniu with your appearance, why don't you go and wash off the milk for her, and wash her face later. Come hug Niuniu again, okay?"

Su Zhaoxue was stunned for a moment, the nanny's words made her feel a little uncomfortable, but after thinking about it, she felt that there was nothing wrong with the nanny's words.

This is holding Niu Niu's feeding bottle and asking: "Is the feeding bottle sterilized? Is there hot water on it?"

The nanny replied: "I'm sorry young lady, I haven't sterilized the baby bottle yet, and the purified water on it is used up, please go down and get it."

The nanny looked very apologetic, as if she was afraid that Su Zhaoxue would get angry.

Su Zhaoxue knew that taking care of children was always a rush, and it was no big deal if they didn't do it, so she hurriedly responded: "Well, it's okay, I'll go down and do it."

Taking the baby bottle and going downstairs, only one dim wall lamp was on in the living room. Su Zhaoxue glanced sideways at the clock hanging on the wall, and it showed that the time was 01:30 in the morning!

He glanced at the study again, the door of the study was ajar, but the light inside was on!
Qin Zexi is inside!

Su Zhaoxue's footsteps involuntarily paused, she wanted to open the door to see what he was doing, and then told him not to sleep in the study, if she didn't want to see her, she could move next door to live with Niuniu.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Zhaoxue still turned around!

The reason why she is still here now, and why she is so patient, is for Niu Niu, not because of him, so whether he sleeps in the study or not, and whether he sleeps well or not, has nothing to do with her at all!
Just when she turned around, she saw Song still holding a small bowl in front of her.

Song still looked at her with a sneer: "Even if you still have some self-knowledge, it would be embarrassing to know that you went in, hehe, if I were you, I would have left here a long time ago, and I don't know what your face is made of, but you are still here staying here for so long."

Su Zhaoxue looked at Song Yiran's face full of disdain, and heard the same words several times. She didn't know if she had immunity, but she didn't feel so angry.

He glanced at the bowl in her hand: "Is it for Qin Zexi?"

(End of this chapter)

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