After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 708 Ask Song Yiran for Help

Chapter 708 Ask Song Yiran for Help
Su Zhaoxue's indifferent attitude made Song Yiran a little surprised, but he quickly put away his surprise, and smiled instead: "Yes, Zexi also works very hard."

"Then I really want to thank you for taking good care of my husband for me." Su Zhaoxue suddenly sneered, and was caught off guard by mocking Song Yiran.

This is good, Song Yiran's face turned black!

It is an undeniable fact that Qin Zexi is Su Zhaoxue's husband!

"Oh, Su Zhaoxue, you only have so much left to sell. You have also seen Qin Zexi's attitude towards you. Are you still the beautiful Su Zhaoxue you used to be? You don't either. Look at your current appearance. It looks like a messy woman. Men like the new and dislike the old. What's more, Qin Zexi's status is different now. There are a lot of women sticking to him outside, maybe it won't be a few days , Oh, no, maybe tomorrow, he just kicked you."

Song Yiran really couldn't find it. It was time to find some kind of words to satirize Su Zhaoxue. Naturally, he made a fuss about Su Zhaoxue's current appearance!

"Song still."

But at this moment, Su Zhaoxue was not in the mood to confront her, so she suddenly called out to her.

"Didn't you always want me out of here? I'm as you wish, but you're going to do me a favor."

Su Zhaoxue stayed up all night, made milk for Niuniu, and seeing Niuniu fell asleep again, Su Zhaoxue carried her back to her room, and Su Zhaoxue took the unpacked luggage back to her room again. In the suitcase!

Qin Zexi and Mr. Gu don't want Su Zhaoxue to take Niuniu away, but there must be someone in Gu's family who really wants her and Niuniu to leave!
This person is none other than Song Yiran!
The help Su Zhaoxue said was to ask Song Yiran to help her get out of here.

Mr. Gu would take a nap every day. Half an hour after lunch, the time would be an hour.

Although it was only one hour, it was enough for Su Zhaoxue!
As long as she can take Niuniu away, nothing will stop her.

In the morning, Song Yiran went to work with Qin Zexi as usual, and at noon, Song Yiran found an excuse and came back.

Everyone in the Gu family knew that Song Yiran and Su Zhaoxue were incompatible, so no one would suspect that the suitcase Song Yiran was carrying was actually Su Zhaoxue's things inside.

Song Yiran went out first, and Su Zhaoxue waited for about 10 minutes with Niuniu in her arms before going out with her.

She didn't bring a nanny, and she hugged Niuniu alone, nothing else, mainly because she didn't want to cause trouble!

But what I didn't expect was that Song Yiran carried the suitcase and went out smoothly, but Su Zhaoxue was stopped just as soon as he left the gate of the villa.

I don't know when the two extra men stopped Su Zhaoxue: "I'm sorry young mistress, the young master ordered that if you want to go out, you can't take Miss Niuniu with you."

"Who are you? I don't seem to have seen you in the Gu family before?" Su Zhaoxue was a little puzzled. Although she knew that Qin Zexi had arranged for these two people, she still couldn't help asking.

"We are arranged here by the young master to be responsible for the security of the villa."

(End of this chapter)

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