Chapter 709

The answers of the two men confirmed Su Zhaoxue's conjecture.

Su Zhaoxue couldn't help sneering: "What about security work? It's really high-sounding. It's nothing more than fear that I will leave with Niuniu in my arms. If you have the ability, you can monitor me 24 hours a day."

"Young Mistress, we also follow orders."

Su Zhaoxue knew that it was useless to talk to them, even though she was angry, she could only hug Niuniu and go back to the house!

First move failed!
But it doesn't mean that Su Zhaoxue just gave up!
Later, Song Yiran gave her an idea, that Niuniu had to get vaccinated every month, if Su Zhaoxue really wanted to take Niuniu away, she could take advantage of this opportunity!
What Song Yiran said really woke up Su Zhaoxue!

And Niuniu's monthly vaccination time is just one day later!
Early this morning, Su Zhaoxue calmly prepared things for Niuniu together with the nanny, took the vaccination book, and was ready to go out!

Not surprisingly, the three of them were stopped.

Su Zhaoxue was prepared this time, and directly took out the vaccination booklet: "We are going to vaccinate Niu Niu, isn't this also allowed?"

"The young mistress, you can't go. You can only ask the nanny to take Miss Niuniu." The man still stopped her.

At this time, the nanny responded: "That's not good, Niu Niu has great strength, and I can't hold her down alone. You men don't know about children's injections. You are afraid when you see a needle, and you won't cooperate well. "

This sentence was a word that Su Zhaoxue and the nanny had already agreed upon in the room.

"If you are worried, you can follow, but it is impossible for me not to go out with Niuniu."

Su Zhaoxue had already thought of various countermeasures to deal with, if these two men really followed, then she would have a co-operation with the nanny and Song Yiran at that time!
As long as she can hold Niu Niu out of the gate of the Gu family, and outside, these two people will definitely not be able to stop her.

"The young master said that he would contact the vaccinating doctor and come home to give Miss Niuniu an injection." Then at this moment, another man standing beside him who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke.

When Su Zhaoxue turned his head and walked over, it was only then that he noticed that the phone in his hand had just been put down!
Obviously, when Su Zhaoxue was negotiating with another man just now, he called Qin Zexi.

Su Zhaoxue didn't expect that Qin Zexi would come up with such a trick, so in desperation, she had no choice but to carry Niuniu into the house!
Sure enough, after a while, a doctor came with a medicine and vaccinated Niu Niu!

Su Zhaoxue was so depressed that she was dying, but she couldn't show it.

After the injection, Niuniu cried a few times and fell asleep.

Su Zhaoxue asked the nanny to take Niuniu upstairs, but in the afternoon, Niuniu suddenly developed a low fever.

The nanny and Su Zhaoxue said that it is normal for a child to have a fever and make noise after the injection, so she should not be in a hurry to observe first.

Su Zhaoxue felt sorry for Niuniu, but she had no choice but to physically cool down Niuniu first.

I thought it would get better, but I didn't expect it to get worse at night.

Niuniu's little face was flushed with heat, and she was still coughing and running.

Su Zhaoxue is anxious to take Niuniu to the hospital!
(End of this chapter)

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