After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 710 Niuniu is sick

Chapter 710 Niuniu is sick

This time, Mr. Gu was alarmed. When he learned that Niuniu was suddenly ill, he was in a hurry, so he called Qin Zexi directly.

Probably because he realized the seriousness, Qin Zexi asked those two men to let them out this time!

Because Mr. Gu has inconvenient legs and feet, he just wants the servants at home to go with the two, so that it is convenient to take care of them!
But was rejected by Su Zhaoxue!

Because those two men followed, Su Zhaoxue already felt very upset. If she followed a few more people, not to mention inconvenient, it would also affect her mood.

So Su Zhaoxue took the nanny and went straight out the door!
Went to the hospital and went to the pediatric emergency department.

The doctor checked Niuniu, then asked her to take her temperature, and then drew blood from her finger!

Niuniu was so burned that she didn't know the pain anymore, she just lay in Su Zhaoxue's arms and fell asleep non-stop, and naturally she didn't cry when she drew blood, and Su Zhaoxue's heart ached to death because of her obedience.

The test results came out soon, the doctor glanced at the list, and then looked at Su Zhaoxue: "This child should have a cold, a virus infection."

"Cold? Isn't it because of the vaccination?" Su Zhaoxue was a little puzzled, because she was fine when she got the injection this morning, and she didn't go out all day, let alone caught a cold from the wind.

The doctor was a little surprised: "Has the child been vaccinated today?"

"Yes." Su Zhaoxue nodded quickly.

"This is easy to explain. The child should have been vaccinated and then his resistance was low, and then he caught a cold caused by a cold. You go through the admission procedures and stay in the hospital for a few days for observation. This child has a severe fever."

Su Zhaoxue still felt that she couldn't figure it out, Niuniu was fine before, and she didn't even go out of the house today, so why did she suddenly catch a cold?

Besides, Niu Niu is only four months old. At this time, children should have their own resistance. How can they say that they have a cold?
"Young Mistress, don't think too much about it. It's impossible to tell if a child is sick. I'm holding Niu Niu. You can go and get a discharge certificate for Niu Niu."

At this time, the nanny suddenly came to pick up Niuniu.

Su Zhaoxue was taken aback by her actions, and before she could react, the nanny had already hugged Niuniu.

Su Zhaoxue didn't pay much attention, and looked at the sleeping Niu Niu: "That's fine, you take care of her first, and I'll go through the formalities."

"Okay." The nanny responded quickly, just paused, and then said to Su Zhaoxue: "When we came here, we didn't bring anything. Young Mistress, let those two go and buy some things Niuniu needs. , Follow us all the time, it's really strange and uncomfortable."

Su Zhaoxue frowned, always felt that the nanny was a bit weird, but at this time, she didn't have so much energy to think about messy things, so she responded: "Well, just take care of Niu Niu."

When going through the hospital admission procedures, Su Zhaoxue called one of the men away, and the other was under the care of the nanny and Niu Niu.

It's just that she had just left for a while, and before she had time to complete the admission procedures, she heard the man behind her call to her: "Young Mistress, Niuniu is gone."

Su Zhaoxue turned around for a moment, then turned to look at the man: "What are you talking about? Isn't the nanny waiting over there with Niuniu in her arms? Isn't your companion waiting over there?"

(End of this chapter)

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