After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 718 Not the Gu Family

Chapter 718 Not the Gu Family

In order to solve the crisis of the Gu family, Qin Zexi integrated the assets of the Qin family into the Gu family.

But now that Gu's crisis is over, Qin's assets are no longer available!
Su Zhaoxue didn't know these things, so she was surprised when she heard Song Yiran's words!
Qin Zexi's complexion became more and more serious. He didn't want to tell Su Zhaoxue these things, and he didn't want her to worry, that's why he's been so cold recently!

However, this Song still not only said it out, but also threatened him face to face!

Qin Zexi was naturally unhappy!

And he had already seen the surprise on Su Zhaoxue's face, so he didn't want to continue talking about this topic in the ward!
With a cold snort, Qin Zexi turned around and walked outside: "It's just a waste of time to talk to idiots. If you don't want to come out, then I can only ask you to go out."

Naturally, this invitation is not polite!

After saying this, Qin Zexi opened the door of the ward and walked out!

"What do you mean by Gu's family property? What do you mean by Qin's property?"

Su Zhaoxue was puzzled, she didn't want to talk to Song Yiran at first, but seeing Qin Zexi like that, she definitely wouldn't.

Song Yiran glanced at her, and suddenly sneered: "Su Zhaoxue, you still don't know that Qin Zexi is not from the Gu family, but I am the old man's daughter. You said that if the old man suddenly went west on a crane, Gu's Whose property will be?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Su Zhaoxue subconsciously wanted to refute Song Yiran!

Is Qin Zexi not related to the Gu family?

How is it possible, isn't Gu Ling the daughter of Mr. Gu? Why doesn't it matter?

And Song still said that she was the daughter of Mr. Gu, so what the hell?

What kind of tricks is Song still playing?
"Are you also surprised and unbelievable? Haha, that's right. You said that the old man is also a dignified figure when he goes out. It's ridiculous that he can do such unethical things." Unexpectedly, Song Yiran But she didn't care about Su Zhaoxue's attitude at all, and instead laughed, that smile was really ironic.

Su Zhaoxue watched, but couldn't tell for a while whether she was mocking her own identity, or mocking Qin Zexi for not being from the Gu family.

Song Yiran was naturally invited out. Qin Zexi was probably afraid that she would talk nonsense in the ward, so when he went out, he let the two guards at the door in and invited Song Yiran out.

Song Yiran also cooperated and walked out directly.

Qin Zexi was waiting for her at the door, his face darkened, and when he saw her go out, he said coldly, "Song Yiran, this is between us, I hope you understand, just say what you should say, and don't say what you should not say." explain."

"Oh, what is the matter between us? Isn't Su Zhaoxue your wife? Anyway, you are still a member of the Gu family in name, and she is also half of the Gu family. Such a big thing happened to the Gu family. She knows it doesn't seem right."

Song still deliberately pretended to be very puzzled: "Or you have already planned to divorce her and marry me?"

"It's beautiful to think about." Qin Zexi snorted coldly, his tone still cold.

Song still blinked: "Didn't you say this is between us?"

(End of this chapter)

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