After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 719 Who Planned

Chapter 719 Who Planned
Qin Zexi snorted coldly: "I don't want to say anything about Song Yiran, but I believe you understand it too. Usually, I don't care what you do or how Su Zhaoxue misunderstands the things you do, but I advise you to hurt Su Zhaoxue and Niuniu. You say, it’s best not to do it. I believe you have learned what kind of person I am and what kind of work style I am. If you want to spend the rest of your life in the Gu family in peace, you’d better give me a little peace of mind. .Don't try to break us up."

"And how Niuniu got lost today, I think you should be very clear, don't hypocritically try to use this incident to drive Su Zhaoxue and me apart."

Song still didn't expect that Qin Zexi would be able to clearly understand the things he did before.

Even the fact that the nanny took Niu Niu away was planned by her, he knew it clearly!

Song still couldn't help feeling a little guilty, especially after hearing Qin Zexi's threatening tone!
"What does Niuniu's loss have to do with me? It was something Su Zhaoxue and the nanny discussed. Didn't you hear it just now?" However, Song still had his own plans in mind and wanted to deny it.

Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi sneered: "Song Yirui wants people not to know unless he has done nothing. Have you heard of this sentence? Didn't you just ask me why the nanny didn't come back? Then I will tell you why the nanny didn't come back." , because I have a BJ, the nanny should be in JCJ now, do you want to go and see her?"

"Trying to abduct and traffic children, do you think she can bear the crime?"

As soon as Qin Zexi finished speaking, Song Yiran's face suddenly turned pale!

She never expected that Qin Zexi would do this trick!
Squeezing his palms tightly, Song still managed to stabilize his superficial composure, but suddenly laughed: "Really? Who knows if you deliberately asked the nanny to change the statement in order to favor Su Zhaoxue?" Yes? Even if the nanny said that I granted all of this, I can still insist that it was the nanny you threatened, so the nanny will blame me for this crime. "

"Oh, is that right? Did I say that the nanny would accuse you? I don't seem to have mentioned your relationship with the nanny. Is it really okay if you don't tell yourself?" Qin Zexi heard Song Yiran's sophistry , but suddenly laughed.

Song Yiran stopped suddenly, and this is when he realized that Qin Zexi had set a trap for her, waiting for her to jump into it by herself!
"Qin Zexi, don't be complacent. If you want to magnify this matter, it's fine. I'll play with you and see if it's my bad luck or Su Zhaoxue's accusation."

Song still gritted his teeth fiercely, and stared at Qin Zexi angrily.

Qin Zexi wasn't flustered at all. Seeing Song Yiran's appearance, he chuckled disdainfully: "Really, we'll wait and see."

Probably because she was too tired, Su Zhaoxue fell asleep and fell asleep until the time for the nurse's rounds the next morning.

The nurse came over and took Niuniu's temperature. The thermometer showed that Niuniu had no fever, but she still had a little cough and runny nose.

After the nurse checked the room, someone brought Niuniu's daily necessities, as well as Su Zhaoxue's daily necessities, and brought Su Zhaoxue a breakfast.

Looking at it like that, you don't need to guess to know that Qin Zexi ordered it!
(End of this chapter)

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