After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 721 Really Pregnant

Chapter 721 Really Pregnant
Ou Ruting suddenly came to find Luo Na!
"Pregnancy test?" Rona was a little surprised when she heard the purpose of Ou Ruting's coming to find her.

Originally, she had believed Han Jianfeng's words, thinking that Ou Ruting was not pregnant.

In addition, she deliberately took Ou Ruting to the pregnancy test before, but Ou Ruting shirked it with various reasons, which confirmed her guess in her heart!
I don't want to, but this time Ou Ruting came here by herself to take her to the pregnancy test!
Luo Na hesitated for a while, but finally agreed. On the way to the hospital, she sent a message to Han Jianfeng!
Han Jianfeng didn't reply!

Went to the hospital where Ou Ruting worked before, which is where Han Jianfeng stayed!

In fact, Ou Ruting chose this hospital on purpose. It is a fact that she is pregnant, and Han Jianfeng's mother accompanied her to the pregnancy test. On the surface, everyone will know that she is pregnant with Han Jianfeng's child.

No one would be so blind to keep asking whose child Ou Ruting is pregnant with!
Registration, blood draw, B-ultrasound, a series of checks!
The B-ultrasound can't see anything yet, but the blood test shows clearly that Ou Ruting is indeed pregnant!

When Luo Na heard the news, she was shocked. She never thought that Ou Ruting was really pregnant!

Immediately, he found an excuse and hurriedly called Han Jianfeng!
But Han Jianfeng didn't answer because he was in a meeting.

From the time they left the hospital to the time they returned home, Han Jianfeng never returned his calls!

Lorna was so anxious, Ou Ruting knew what Lorna was thinking, she didn't see through it, she just said to Lorna as if she was wronged: "Auntie, you should believe that I am really pregnant now, right? "

Lorna smiled reluctantly: "Ru Ting, you are indeed pregnant, but this time is not right. The last time you were with Jian Feng was more than a month ago. It's been two months, but the time shown on the list is not too short, and nothing can be seen on the B-ultrasound."

Lorna is also a person who fainted during pregnancy, she still knows these common senses!
Although she is not a doctor, she can understand those pregnancy test forms!
Ou Ruting did not expect that Lorna would actually say this, even though she was pretending to be pitiful: "Auntie, are you doubting me? Don't you believe me? You didn't believe me before, so forget it, why is the evidence now in front of you?" You still don’t believe me, you are so sad, do you know how sad you are? You also said that you treat me like a daughter, are you just talking? "

Ou Ruting's repeated questioning made Luo Na stunned!
Seeing Ou Ruting's aggrieved look about to cry, she hurriedly said: "Oh, I didn't mean that, I just looked at the list and asked casually, I don't believe you, Ruting, don't be sad .”

Even though she could understand the list, Lorna was not a professional after all. Even if she asked some questions, she was only based on experience, and she was not [-]% sure.

And now that Ou Ruting is really pregnant, Lorna is already soft-hearted, so naturally she couldn't bear to let Ou Ruting really cry, so she quickly comforted her softly.

(End of this chapter)

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