After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 722 Really Pregnant

Chapter 722 Really Pregnant
Ou Ruting saw that Lorna seemed to be enlightened, so she couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth calmly.

It's just that he was sobbing again very quickly, as if he was really crying: "Auntie, how can I not be sad, you said you helped me before, but you didn't help me all the time, and then you directly suspected that I didn't Pregnant. It’s all right now, I’m confirmed to be pregnant, but you’re still doubting me. I’ve always treated you like a mother, can I not be sad if you say you’re like this? "

"It's all because Auntie is talking too much. Ruting, Auntie doesn't believe you. If you say you want Auntie to help you now, Auntie will definitely help you."

Luo Na was already soft-hearted, but now that Ou Ruting deliberately said this, it naturally made her flustered, and she immediately understood!
Ou Ruting was not in a hurry to show up, but asked Lorna with a cautious look: "Auntie, is what you said true? Can I trust you? Will you drive me away halfway like before?" go out?"

"And after you kicked me out last time, I was scolded by my dad when I got home. My dad said that I would only make people look down on me if I dropped my price. And I was even more afraid that you would look down on me, afraid of Jianfeng You will look down on me, I dare not go to you, I dare not even step on the door of the Han family."

Ou Ruting said this on purpose, she has always remembered the matter of being kicked out of the Han family by Lorna before.

During this time, in order to avoid Lorna, she hadn't gone to see Han Jianfeng or Han's house for a long time!

It was exactly what she said, she was afraid of being looked down upon.

The pitiful way Ou Ruting said made Luo Na really think that what she said was true!
Naturally, Luo Na understood what Ou Ruting was thinking, so she quickly responded: "What I said is true. Auntie was confused before. The child Jianfeng swore it was too true, so I believed it for a while. He, hey, you really have a child now, we will show this inspection report to Jianfeng later, even if he refuses to admit it, there is nothing he can do, it seems that we need to discuss marriage with your parents as soon as possible Just do it. Don't book an engagement, after all, there are a lot of things to prepare for a wedding, and when you get heavy, you won't be able to wear a beautiful wedding dress."

"Well, it's all arranged by you, auntie." Seeing that Lorna had already talked about getting married, Ou Ruting was naturally delighted to see that her goal had been achieved.

He just paused, but he still said worriedly: "But you also understand Jianfeng's temper, what if he insists on not marrying me then?"

Unexpectedly, Luo Na patted her hand, as if she was very sure: "Although Jian Feng has a stubborn temper, he is also a responsible man. If he knows what really happened that night now, And you are also pregnant, I believe he will take this responsibility."

"Well, don't worry, auntie. After you get married, I will definitely help you take custody of Zai Zai. Jianfeng doesn't want to take it. I will go as the Han family when the time comes. That woman can't always occupy It's a baby, so Auntie, you must let me marry into the Han family smoothly."

Ou Ruting nodded, and began to reassure Lorna!

Because she knew that this was what Luo Na cared about most, and if she wanted Luo Na to help her, the most important thing was whether Zai Zai's custody rights could come back.

(End of this chapter)

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