After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 723 Really Pregnant

Chapter 723 Really Pregnant
When Han Jianfeng came back, Ou Ruting was still at Han's house!
She was waiting for Han Jianfeng here on purpose!

Knowing that after so long and hard work, she was finally able to marry Han Jianfeng, so she was in a great mood all afternoon.

As soon as Han Jianfeng came back, she walked over, really like a wife, wanting to pick up the suit and bag in his hand!
But she forgot, Han Jianfeng hates her very much!
Seeing her approaching, she frowned subconsciously: "Why are you here?"

While speaking, he also moved the suit and briefcase in his hands behind him.

The meaning was obvious, he didn't want Ou Ruting to help!
When Ou Ruting realized it, a trace of embarrassment flashed across her face, but she quickly smiled again: "Auntie asked me to have dinner here."

Of course she wouldn't say that she was waiting for him here on purpose, waiting for him to come back, and then let him see the pregnancy test report!
"Oh, then eat slowly."

Han Jianfeng turned around without any hesitation and was about to leave!

Ou Ruting became anxious all of a sudden, and wanted to stop him!

Just at this time, Luo Na came out: "Hey, Jianfeng, what are you doing, dinner is about to be ready, and I made a special trip to wait for you to come back for dinner, and you ran away again?"

Han Jianfeng was really helpless, he didn't even want to turn his head: "Mom, have you forgotten what I said to you before, I have something to do, I'm going out."

Han Jianfeng had told Lorna before that she should have less contact with Ou Ruting, but he didn't expect that it would be better soon, and he asked Ou Ruting to come to their house for dinner again!
Han Jianfeng really didn't want to see Ou Ruting, so he had to hide!

"Stop for me, you have to be at home tonight, I have something to tell you. I call you, but you don't know to answer me, and you don't answer me when you send messages. Do you still think I am your mother? "

Unexpectedly, Lorna suddenly stopped him very seriously. Lorna seldom talks to Han Jianfeng seriously, and most of the time she usually speaks in a very good tone, and even looks a little flattering.

Han Jianfeng was stunned for a moment, then he remembered those missed calls and that text message!
He was so busy today that he didn't even eat lunch. After reading those missed calls and text messages, he forgot them. This reminded him of what Lorna told him, she Went to the hospital with Ou Ruting for a pregnancy test!

Pregnancy test?

Han Jianfeng suddenly understood why Ou Ruting was eating at their house!

Turning around and glancing at Ou Ruting, Han Jianfeng looked at Lorna: "What do you want to tell me?"

"You come in first, let's talk while eating." Who knew that Luo Na would just not say anything.

Han Jianfeng hesitated for a moment, but turned around and entered the house!

After entering the house, they washed their hands and ate. Han Dong didn't come back, so only Han Jianfeng, Lorna and Ou Ruting were eating at home!
During the meal, Lorna kept serving Ou Ruting food, and kept asking Ou Ruting to eat more, saying that she is pregnant now and needs to strengthen her nutrition!
These words are naturally for Han Jianfeng to hear!
Han Jianfeng naturally understood as soon as he heard it, and frowned: "What is pregnant? Is Ou Ruting pregnant?"

"Well, I just went for a check-up today." Seeing that Han Jianfeng's attention was caught, Ou Ruting was naturally delighted, and hurriedly responded.

(End of this chapter)

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