After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 724 Really Pregnant

Chapter 724 Really Pregnant
Han Jianfeng seemed disgusted and didn't respond!

Seeing that there was no more text, Ou Ruting was caught off guard and embarrassed, so she could only look at Lorna with aggrieved eyes!

Lorna couldn't see it, so she said, "Jianfeng, since Ruting is confirmed to be pregnant, is marriage on the agenda?"

"Marry who?" Han Jianfeng still looked indifferent, as if what he said now had nothing to do with him.

Lorna's throat froze, and then she said again: "Ru Ting is pregnant with your child, marry you, otherwise who will you marry?"

"Mom." Han Jianfeng finally raised his head and looked at Lorna: "I told you before, I didn't touch her, why are you still struggling with this issue for so long?"

"But, today's pregnancy test report is true. Ruting is indeed pregnant." Lorna was still struggling to explain for Ou Ruting.

Han Jianfeng's eyes turned cold: "Who knows whose child she is pregnant with?"

"Han Jianfeng, you're really going too far." Ou Ruting suddenly stood up angrily, staring at Han Jianfeng with red eyes.

Han Jianfeng didn't even bother to look at her, instead he chuckled lightly: "Does it mean that you are angry because you are upset? You can go to whoever you are pregnant with. Please don't come to me. I don't like it." Being a father is a hobby, not to mention I already have a son, so I don't need another one."

Han Jianfeng has always been very mean when he speaks!

In fact, Ou Ruting has been taught a long time ago, but she has never been so wronged, unwilling, or even sad.

"Auntie said just now that you are a very responsible man. Han Jianfeng, the child in my stomach is yours, and I only have you as a man. Whether you admit it or not, this child is yours."

Ou Ruting squeezed her palm fiercely, although her heart was still empty, but she said a cruel word!
"Then do a paternity test. I said it before. If this child is mine, I will definitely admit it." Han Jianfeng squinted his eyes, but he was calm.

Now Ou Ruting really became more and more flustered, her eyes flickered, but she remained calm on her face: "Amniotic fluid piercing will affect children, don't you know that you are a doctor?"

"Then wait for the child to be born and do a paternity test." Han Jianfeng suddenly sneered, as if he had seen through her mind at a glance.

"Then you mean that you will marry me only after the child is born?"

"Who said I'm going to marry you?" Unexpectedly, Han Jianfeng asked rhetorically.

Ou Ruting froze for a moment: "Then what do you mean?"

"The child in your stomach is not mine." Han Jianfeng was still very sure.


Seeing that she had no way to communicate with Han Jianfeng, Ou Ruting had no choice but to call out to Lorna pitifully, and a tear flowed from her eyes when she called.

Well, the tears are real, they were rushed out!

"Jianfeng, why did you become like this now?" When Luo Na saw Ou Ruting crying, she immediately became anxious.

"The pregnancy test report has come out, and you still say that the child is not yours, aren't you insulting Ruting? I watched Ruting grow up, and we have been neighbors with the Ou family for decades. , I believe it is impossible for her to do the things you just said. A girl's family is most concerned about her reputation. If she is pregnant and you don't marry her, it is your problem."

(End of this chapter)

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