After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 725 Really Pregnant

Chapter 725 Really Pregnant
"Mom, I don't want to say anything anymore. If you don't believe me, there is nothing I can do. But I want you to understand that I will not marry her."

Han Jianfeng felt more disappointed and helpless towards Lorna, but he couldn't speak too seriously.

There was really no other way, so he had no choice but to put down the bowls and chopsticks, then got up and walked out of the restaurant!

"Hey, Jianfeng..." Lorna tried to stop Han Jianfeng.

But Han Jianfeng has long arms and long legs, waiting for Lorna's words to fall, he has already left the restaurant!

"Auntie, you were still Han Jianfeng a responsible man just now, look at his attitude."

Ou Ruting had been with Han Jianfeng for so long, so she naturally knew Han Jianfeng's character. He would not admit things that he didn't want to admit, even if he forced him with a knife.

So she can only force Lorna!

Now Lorna believes that the child in her belly is Han Jianfeng's!

"Jianfeng may not have turned the corner for a while, you can rest assured, since you are pregnant with the flesh and blood of our Han family, our Han family will definitely not let you be wronged. Don't be angry, and have a good meal Finish eating first, and I'll talk to that kid later." Luo Na had no choice but to comfort Ou Ruting first.

Although Han Jianfeng was her son, he was a child with his own ideas since he was a child. From studying to working, she never gave her a little thought, so Lorna couldn't control him at all.

But getting pregnant, getting married and having children is a major event in life. Even if she can't control it, Lorna still wants to fight for it.

Ou Ruting ate dinner obediently, and went home without making any noise!

But when he left, he still pretended to be pitiful in front of Lorna: "Auntie, you treat me like your own daughter, and I also treat you like your mother. Although Jianfeng is your own son, I still I hope you will not be biased, after all, how important reputation is to a woman, and I am pregnant, and the belly does not wait for others, and you don’t want me to be pregnant by then, so go out and embarrass yourself, at that time I will really It’s better to just die.”

Ou Ruting's words made Lorna's heart ache. Naturally, after sending Ou Ruting away, she scolded Han Jianfeng when she entered the study!
"Jianfeng, you are indeed a little too much today." However, the blame was blamed, and Luo Na went to the kitchen to bring a bowl of soup and gave it to Han Jianfeng.

Han Jianfeng knocked on the computer, didn't speak, just glanced at the bowl of soup, and said lightly to Lorna: "Thank you."

Han Jianfeng's attitude made Lorna hit the cotton like a heavy hammer with a word!

The words that Lorna had prepared were stuck in her throat. After a long pause, she finally spit out smoothly: "Jianfeng, can you listen to me carefully?"

Lorna was really angry, she stepped forward and covered Han Jianfeng's computer!
"Tell me." Han Jianfeng knew what Lorna was going to say, but he was not angry, and looked at her cooperatively.

"Tell me what you think. Before Ou Ruting said she was pregnant, you didn't admit it. Now that the pregnancy test report is out, you still don't admit it. What do you want to do? Don't you admit it? If your father If you know it, you have to break your leg, do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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