After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 726 Really Pregnant

Chapter 726 Really Pregnant
"Ru Ting is a girl no matter what. It is not easy for a girl to be able to do what she is now. Although it is a new society where men and women are equal, the reputation of a girl is very important to her. It's still very important, not to mention that the Ou family and our Han family are both respectable families. I always thought you were a responsible man before. Why are you so confused about this matter? "

"You said that if things get serious at that time, where will the face of our two families be? It's not like you don't know your Uncle Ob's character, so you have to wait for him to come?"

Lorna really didn't know how to talk to Han Jianfeng, so she could only start with the faces of the Ou and Han families!
"Mom knows that you still have Zai Zai's mother in your heart, but who will you spend your whole life with? Besides, you and Ou Ruting have known each other for so long. In the beginning, the matter of marriage may be due to the mutual affection between the two of you, but After a long time, the left hand is holding the right hand, and Ou Ruting's child is not bad. And now Ou Ruting is pregnant, you have a child, don't you want to be responsible for that child?"

Luo Na also knows that Han Jianfeng has always liked Hu Xianya. Although Han Jianfeng has never said it, if a mother doesn't understand this, she really doesn't deserve to be a mother!


Han Jianfeng suddenly called out to Lorna.

"Huh?" Lorna was a little surprised.

"Have you finished? If so, I'm going to work."

Lorna didn't expect that she said so much, and what she got back in the end was such a simple sentence!

Just asked angrily: "Jianfeng, are you really not going to take responsibility?"

"Mom, I have said so much and made it very clear that I will not marry Ou Ruting, and the child in her womb will not be mine. Besides, I don't want to settle for Han Jianfeng's marriage. Just want to marry whoever I want to marry."

After Ou Ruting returned to Ou's house, she gave the pregnancy test report to her parents!

And he also told about Han Jianfeng's reluctance to marry her!
Although Ou Ruting's father didn't know how to be reserved because of Ou Ruting, it was Han Jianfeng's attitude that made him even more angry!

During the recent period, the Han family has been oppressing Ou Shi everywhere outside. Ou Ruting's father already had a deep grudge against Han Jianfeng and Han Dong. The combination of the old hatred and old hatred is terrible!
So the next day, Han's troubled him!
And after roll call, we will meet Han Jianfeng and Han Dong!

There have been many cooperations between Han Shi and Ou Shi, and the front desk knows the president of Ou Shi, so naturally they dare not neglect, even if they report it.

After returning home last night, Luo Na told Han Dong about Ou Ruting!
Han Dong didn't express his opinion, but he didn't want Han Jianfeng to marry Ou Ruting in his heart.

After all, Hu Xianya's status is much more noble than Ou Ruting's, not to mention that there is a multinational company behind Hu Xianya, and she is also the mother of Zai Zai Zai Zai. The total conditions combined are better than Ou Ruting's. !
But since he's already here, we must see each other again!
After making some arrangements, Han Dong called Han Jianfeng, and met Ou Ruting's father, Ou Shangli, in the reception room.

Han Jianfeng didn't really want to see Ou Shangli, so he was busy for a while, and then went to the reception room!

(End of this chapter)

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