Chapter 736

A few days after Ou Shangli went to Han's to make trouble, Ou Ruting's mother, Yi Fei, went to find Luo Na!
Because of Han Jianfeng and Han Dong's indifference, Luo Na has been very worried these days!
She really believed that Ou Ruting was pregnant with Han Jianfeng's child, because no matter what, she was also involved in the reason why Ou Ruting was able to go to Han Jianfeng's room at that time.

She saw Han Jianfeng get drunk with her own eyes, and she also saw Ou Ruting go in with her own eyes!

Now Ou Ruting's pregnancy test report also shows that Ou Ruting is indeed pregnant, how could she not believe it!

It's just that Han Jianfeng's attitude is understandable, because Han Jianfeng doesn't want to marry Ou Ruting at all. This firm attitude has existed since Han Dong wanted the Ou and Han families to marry, and it has never changed from the beginning to the end!
But Han Dong's attitude made Lorna a little confused!
Because before, Han Dong wanted Han Jianfeng to marry Ou Ruting, but now that he was about to succeed, Han Dong didn't care at all!

The first time Luo Na and Han Dong talked about Ou Ruting's pregnancy, Han Dong just responded lightly, but did not express any opinions!
Han Dong didn't talk much at home at first, but Luo Na only thought that he knew about it, and it was considered caring!

But one time later, Lorna was really angry with Han Jianfeng, so she nagged a few words in front of Han Dong and asked him to have a good talk with Han Jianfeng as a father. We are all responsible.

Unexpectedly, Han Dong didn't care about it at all. Instead, he said to Lorna: "Jianfeng is such a big man, he has a sense of proportion in everything he does. As parents, we just need to trust him." , Jianfeng, he is your son, don't you even believe in your own son?

The meaning of these words is clearly standing in the same trench as Han Jianfeng!
Lorna didn't expect it at all, her throat froze on the spot, if she was ready, she didn't say it out loud!
When Yi Fei came to look for Luo Na, she happened to see her in the garden at the door. Luo Na had been hiding from the Ou family for the past few days, and she was afraid that they would ask about Ou Ruting's pregnancy!

I don't want to hide no matter how I try, but I still get bumped into in the end!
"Yo, I'm still in the mood to water the flowers." Yi Fei raised his voice and harbored malicious intentions when he saw Lorna.

That tone sounded very, very uncomfortable, but Lorna felt that the Han family had treated the Ou family badly, and she was a little wronged, so even though she was a little unhappy in her heart, she quickly smiled and asked the servant to open the courtyard door. Then he put down the watering can in his hand and walked towards Yi Fei.

"No, why are you free today?"

Yi Fei and Lorna are about the same age, but their personalities are completely different!

Yi Fei was very beautiful when she was young. Although her family background was not very good, she was young and energetic, and there were many people chasing her. Ou Shangli spent a lot of effort chasing her back then.

Although the Ou family's family business is not big, they still have some roots in the capital. Ou Shangli went to Yi Fei, which made the Ou family very dissatisfied.In addition, Yi Fei has always been very proud and arrogant, so he naturally suffered from many difficulties in the Ou family.

Compare Lorna and Han Dong.The two are well-matched marriages, and Lorna's natal family is also well-off, with a good education and a mild temper naturally!
(End of this chapter)

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