Chapter 737

Because Luo Na was educated since she was a child, she can handle everything, whether it is outside entertainment or housekeeping!

I don't know how many steps it is higher than Yi Feina!
Luo Na didn't want to compare anything with Yi Fei, but the Ou family was already dissatisfied with Yi Fei, so naturally they often compared the two.

Especially after both of them gave birth to children, one gave birth to a son and the other gave birth to a daughter, it was even more powerful!
This phenomenon gradually disappeared after Han Jianfeng and Ou Ruting grew up!
So Yi Fei has always been very unfriendly towards Lorna. Even though Han Dong and Ou Shangli had a good relationship in those years, Yi Fei was very, very unwilling to associate with Lorna.

But Lorna has a good temper and a good personality, so she doesn't care much about these things!

So every time I saw Yi Fei, I was very close, and this time was no exception. When I greeted her, my face was full of smiles!
On the other hand, Yi Fei snorted disdainfully: "Lorna, don't ask me what you know, don't you know what I'm here for? Isn't it because your competitive baby son made my daughter's belly bigger."

"You said that when you gave birth to a son and I gave birth to a daughter, everyone envied you and thought it was my stomach that didn't live up to expectations. I accepted that, but now it's a good thing. Your son directly bullied my daughter. Pulling up your pants and denying it, right? Do you really think that Yi Fei will be bullied if I don’t have a son?”

Yi Fei didn't beat around the bush when he came, and directly stated his purpose, and he was very angry while speaking. The voice was so loud that people three miles away could hear it.

Luo Na was really full of black lines, but she had to laugh along with her: "No, don't be angry, we have something to say, go into the room and talk about it. What do you want to drink, I'll get it for you?"

"Lorna, don't be hypocritical, why go to the house to say, this matter has passed for so many days, and I haven't seen you go to our house to say, you are obviously bullying our family, you are afraid of your family Do the neighbors know about some scandal, I can tell you, my daughter is a victim, and I am not afraid."

Unexpectedly, Yi Fei didn't appreciate it, but his voice became louder and louder.

And the more he talked, the more excited he became: "I can tell you, if you don't give me an explanation, Lorna, I will let everyone in the whole community know what kind of people your Han family is like."

"No, I'm going to look for you, but isn't Jianfeng busy these days, so it's delayed. Besides, the pregnancy thing can't be slapped, you say we It's embarrassing, and it's not good for you, Ruting is still a girl, don't you think so, let's go into the room and talk."

Luo Na still had a nice voice, trying to persuade Yi Fei to go inside.

But Yi Fei was already angry, and Luo Na's words obviously misunderstood her, and she stared: "Oh, what are you talking about, why can't you slap me? You really are Funny, Lorna, back then the old man and old lady in our family compared me with you all day long, always saying how virtuous you are, how knowledgeable and sensible you are, and after a long time, it turns out that you are just empty-handed."

(End of this chapter)

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