Chapter 738

"No wonder the educated son is such a jerk. He knew that Ru Ting of our family liked him, so he kept hanging on her like this. After hanging on to her, she would become an old girl. Suddenly, she brought a son back. Let's not talk about it now. Even better, if you bully us Ru Ting, you don't want to admit it."

"I want to ask you, Lorna, how do you educate your son at home, so uneducated? You bullied the girl and don't want to admit it?"

When Luo Na heard that Yi Fei began to scold Han Jianfeng, she suddenly became anxious, and hurriedly said: "It's not that Jianfeng doesn't want to admit it, it's just..."

"It's just what, it's just that you still need to do a paternity test? What's the difference between this and not wanting to admit it?"

In fact, before coming here, Yi Fei already knew the general direction of the matter. Both Ou Shangli and Ou Ruting told her that Han Jianfeng did not admit that the child in Ou Ruting's belly was his at all. Just do a paternity test!

Isn't this just bullying Ou Ruting and their Ou family on the bright side? Yi Fei couldn't swallow this tone!
Lorna smiled with some embarrassment: "No, you also grew up watching Jianfeng, and you also know his character. Our two families are so familiar anyway, why don't we get engaged first and wait for the child to do it?" Paternity test, you are getting married, okay?"

This is the solution that Luo Na has been thinking about for the past few days. On the one hand, her son and husband can't make sense to her, and on the other hand, in order to stabilize the mood of the Ou family, she had no choice but to use a curve to save the country.

At the same time, he also thought in his heart, engagement is not marriage, Han Jianfeng should not have such a big resistance!

On the other hand, the engagement is equivalent to giving Ou Ruting a status, letting everyone know that Ou Ruting will be the daughter-in-law of their Han family, and it can be regarded as an explanation to the Ou family!
"You fart, our Ruting is such an excellent person, why do you let you bully him like this? Why are you getting engaged? Let me tell you Lorna, you must marry me now."

Yi Fei almost missed Lorna's face with a mouthful of saliva, and kicked over a pot of flowers next to her while talking, and the flower pot rolled on the ground and broke immediately.

Even so, Yi Fei seemed to be still angry, and then kicked another flower pot, as if threatening while kicking: "Lorna, I'll give you two days, you better give me one!" Answer, otherwise I will smash your Han family to pieces, today are these flower pots in the yard, next time it will be not as simple as flower pots."

Yi Fei really kicked all the words raised by Lorna to the ground, and the petals, leaves and soil were scattered all over the yard.

Although Luo Na felt distressed, she could only let Yi Fei vent her anger!

Waiting for Yi Fei to leave angrily, Luo Na didn't let the servant clean up, but just left a sentence: "Just put it here, let the two of them come back and have a look."

Luo Na was really angry and wronged in her heart. What was angry was that she was bullied by outsiders in her own home, and she could only endure it.What is wronged is that it was her precious son who brought her these things.

Luo Na knew that Han Jianfeng had always been a very responsible person, but she didn't know why he insisted on it all the time.

It's all right now, she suffered so much humiliation at home!

(End of this chapter)

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