Chapter 739

Han Jianfeng came back first, and he never liked such things as entertainment, so most of the company's entertainment was arranged by Han Dong!
Luo Na cried a lot at home, so her eyes were still swollen when Han Jianfeng came back!
Although Han Jianfeng had a lot of dissatisfaction and helplessness towards Lorna, why didn't his mother care, feel distressed, or care about it!
Naturally, as soon as he entered the room, he saw Lorna sitting in a daze in the living room, and her red eyes!
When he entered the house, a servant had already told him what happened today, and Han Jianfeng asked the servant to clean the yard!
It was only after entering the house that Han Jianfeng realized that the matter seemed to be a little bit more serious than he expected.

At least Lorna seems to be more concerned about this matter than he expected!

After changing his shoes and putting down his briefcase, Han Jianfeng quietly walked towards Lorna, then sat down carefully, and put his arms around her shoulders, then said to Lorna with a smile: "I am wronged today. Yet?"

Han Jianfeng spoke to Lorna in that joking tone!

Lorna didn't smile or speak, she just ignored Han Jianfeng anyway!

It seems that this time I am really angry!

"Oh, mom, what are you doing? Are you angry with your son because of an outsider?" Han Jianfeng was still smiling, and shook Lorna as he spoke, just like he was acting like a baby when he was a child.

"Today she came and smashed our yard, and I'll smash it back for you later, do you think it's okay?"

"Huh, do you still have reason to smash other people's homes? You haven't given them an explanation for their daughter's pregnancy. They said you would give your mother and me two days. If you don't give them an answer, the next day This time it directly smashed our house." At this moment, Luo Na finally spoke softly.

Just listening to that tone, I'm still angry!
Han Jianfeng probably guessed it, just because of such a thing, he couldn't help but frowned, he was a little displeased with the behavior of the Ou family, but on the surface he comforted Lorna: "Mom, don't you often tell me that you should Did you come here out of your heart? Naturally, I wouldn't admit to things I haven't done. The more they press the Ou family, don't you think there's a problem?"

"The fetal paternity test can actually be done in two or three months. It's a very simple thing. If the child is mine, why doesn't Ou Ruting agree? She wants to marry into our family so much, and she doesn't have it in two or three months." Xianhuai, don't you think there is something wrong with the whole thing?"

Han Jianfeng's words seemed to wake up Luo Na, she suddenly said: "Jianfeng, do you mean that even if Ru Ting is pregnant, her child is not yours?"

"I didn't say it, Ma, you said it yourself."

Han Jianfeng laughed, let go of Lorna suddenly, and then stood up: "I just remembered, I left something on the car, I'll go get it. Mom, don't worry about it all day long, you just need to Just trust your son."

After Han Jianfeng finished speaking, he walked out the door with a smile!
In fact, he didn't leave anything on the car, but went out, then out of the yard, and knocked on the door of Ou's house next door!

Ou Ruting saw Han Jianfeng outside the door when she was in the room, she didn't expect him to come, so she was overjoyed to open the door for him, and stood at the door to meet her personally!

(End of this chapter)

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