After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 740 Han Jianfeng Goes to the Ou Family

Chapter 740 Han Jianfeng Goes to the Ou Family
"Jianfeng, it's so late, why are you here?"

Ou Ruting was really surprised, so when she stood at the door facing Han Jianfeng, she couldn't control the smile on her face, and her voice was delicate.

"Is Aunt Yi at home?"

Han Jianfeng sneered, which was considered polite, and flung his face at Ou Ruting.

Ou Ruting was stunned for a moment, originally thought that Han Jianfeng was looking for her, but unexpectedly he was looking for Yi Fei.

Ou Ruting didn't know about Yi Fei's trouble at Han's house, so she couldn't figure out the reason for a while, so she nodded her head blankly, and said, "I'm at home, do you have anything to do with my mother?" ?”

"Of course something happened."

It's okay, he won't come here.

After entering the house, Auchan was not there, and Yi Fei was coming down from upstairs after applying the facial mask. She was stunned when she saw Han Jianfeng, and then she said in a high-pitched voice, "I said it's midnight, why does my doorbell ring? It's you kid who has been doing it for a long time, why did you come to admit my mistake?"

Yi Fei thought that he went to Lorna to make a fuss today, and Han Jianfeng finally knew how powerful she was, so he came to ask for mercy, so when he spoke, his tone was arrogant, and even the eyes he looked at Han Jianfeng felt like he was looking at her. Not his average.

"Mom, why admit your mistake? What did Jianfeng do to confess to you? What nonsense are you talking about!"

Ou Ruting looked at Yi Fei like that, fearing that Han Jianfeng would leave if he got angry, and hurriedly defended him.

Yi Fei rolled a blank look at Ou Ruting with a look of hatred for iron and steel: "Stop talking."

Ou Ruting pouted aggrievedly: "What's wrong with me, I didn't say anything wrong, so can't you speak well?"

"You damn girl, no one wants you, yet you still turn your elbows out, you, do you owe a beating?"

The more Yi Fei watched, the more angry he became, and he raised his hand to hit Ou Ruting.

It wasn't a real fight either, it was just seeing Ou Ruting's ineffective appearance and feeling angry.

"Hey, mom, I'm an adult, can you speak well." Ou Ruting subconsciously hid behind Han Jianfeng.

It's just that Han Jianfeng didn't want to have any intimate contact with Ou Ruting at all, so the quickest reaction was to avoid her.

For a moment, Ou Ruting was a little embarrassed standing there.

Looking at Ou Ruting, Yi Fei felt distressed and angry at the same time, so he yelled at Han Jianfeng: "Han Jianfeng, don't be shameless, don't think that our Ruting is easy to bully, don't think that our Ou family is easy to bully ah."

"Aunt Yi, it seems that you are the one who is bullying people now."

Han Jianfeng was not frightened by Yi Fei's posture, but said a word very peacefully.

However, it gave people the feeling that it seemed to overwhelm Yi Fei in terms of momentum.

"Han Jianfeng, I just dropped a few flower pots in your family. Let me tell you, if you don't give us Ruting an explanation, don't give us the Ou family an explanation, do you believe that I smashed your Han family?"

Isn't Yi Fei stupid? When Han Jianfeng said this, she naturally knew what he meant, and yelled at Han Jianfeng directly.

"Let me tell you, I'm not only going to smash your Han family, but I'm going to tell everyone in the capital, let everyone see what kind of person you Han Jianfeng is, and let everyone see what your Han family is like." family."

(End of this chapter)

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