After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 742 You have to help me

Chapter 742 You have to help me
"And you have always known that, you told me before that girls should be reserved, hang on to him from time to time, keep a distance from him from time to time, and not act like they like him all day long." Like, what did you say that when my dad chased you, it was like this, and I did what you said, but now, what did you get in exchange?"

"I have known Han Jianfeng for so many years. He studied medicine and I also went to study medicine. I was by his side, but he had a child with another woman, and I didn't know who that woman was. That's what you said Do you want to keep your distance?"

"That man is always like this. I can't blame my mother for that. Who would have known that he, who is so indifferent on the surface, would suddenly come back with a child?" Yi Fei seemed to want to explain, looking at Ou Ruting's red eyes. , still a little distressed.

Ou Ruting sobbed: "Okay, let's not talk about this matter, let's not talk about the previous things, mom, can you help me once? Why did you go to Han's house and smash their flower pots?" ? Do you know that even if we are on the right side, you have made us unreasonable. No wonder when grandpa and grandma were still there, they always said that you are not as good as Aunt Lorna."

To say that Yi Fei is inferior to Lorna is actually a taboo topic in the Ou family!
When Ou Shangli's parents were still there, they always liked to say this, always comparing Yi Fei with Lorna, which made Yi Fei very disgusted and hurt, and even had an indelible shadow in his heart.

So since they were gone, such topics were hardly heard in the Ou family.

Ou Ruting naturally knew it too, so when she was at home, except for talking about Han Jianfeng, she would hardly mention anything about the Han family, let alone mentioning Lorna.

Saying this today is purely in a hurry.

So as soon as she finished speaking, seeing Yi Fei's face change, she knew that she had said something wrong.

"Mom, I didn't mean that!"

Ou Ruting's tone suddenly softened, and she even thought of going forward to pull Yi Fei to show her favor.

Who knows that Yi Fei suddenly seemed very irritable, and waved Ou Ruting away with his hands: "After a long time, it turns out that you miss me the same way. It's really funny. No wonder you run to Han's house all day long. I think Lorna is better than me."

"Mom, I didn't mean that. Didn't you say something wrong in a hurry?" Ou Ruting was anxious to explain.

Yi Fei suddenly glared at her: "Worried? What is there to worry about? Is that why you are talking to me like this? I'm your mother, and even if I smashed the Han family, it's for your own good." , if I didn't feel sorry for you, do you think I would go to Han's house and talk to Lorna?"

"Mom, I know you love me. I'm your only precious daughter. If you don't love me, who do you love, right?"

At this time, Ou Ruting didn't dare to lose her temper with Yi Fei. If this angered Yi Fei, the family would probably have no peace for several days.

"Hmph, you still know something good and bad."

After all, she was her own daughter, and although she was still a little uncomfortable, it was over after saying a few good words.

But remembering what Han Jianfeng said just now, Yi Fei still frowned: "Then what are your plans for your pregnancy?"

(End of this chapter)

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